
How to clean a fabric sofa and leather sofa as the Financial

While the sofa is the perfect place to relax, many of us forget, regular cleaning is required because skin cells excess food waste collected all our dead.

gets Depending on the degree of contamination from the sofa, which ideally once cleaned every few months.

Tips for Cleaning - Some experts are practical , bottom - form for people who care - access at home to the cleansing and operators of high quality independent, already selected:

sofa material

The first thing you should do before you start to clean sofa to identify the material, which can be anything from leatherwear.

The material is usually indicated on the label, accompanied by the following signs that indicate the different ways in which they can and can not clean your sofa:

W - means that you wash with water the couch
X - You can use a vacuum cleaner
SW - You can use water or a cleaning solution, if you prefer
S - the bed can be cleaned with a cleaning solution

clean area

Once you have identified the tissue, remove pillows and properly its nooks and crannies brush to remove crumbs and dirt that might get stuck there. You can also use a white towel spots or patches to rub, as this will help to break.

However, avoid colored cloth or sponge, as color can sometimes be transferred to the couch.

odor removal

Once you have all loose crumbs and stains removed, the next step is to eliminate all unpleasant odors. Baking soda is a great solution for budget-friendly. Simply spray on the sofa with baking soda and let let stand for at least 20 minutes and then vacuum with a brush the sofa.

[Related Article : How to choose a sofa: tips from experts for the perfect buy for your living room]

If you find that is not enough, mix baking soda with some cleaning carpet and leave for 20 minutes, you have to leave your couch looking new and fresh.

management tasks

The best-priced, smart management changes to your bed is to make your own cleaning solution. Simply mix one teaspoon dishwashing liquid, vinegar, baking soda and warm water - baking soda and vinegar work together very well, removing stubborn stains quickly. Be sure to test the solution on a hidden piece of fabric to ensure that your sofa will not discolor.

leather sofas

Leather sofas cleaning cloth is slightly different, but again, you should always check the label carefully before you try to clean the couch. Once you have checked the labels, you should always remove dust the first bed, to the dirt will not continue to push into the skin during the cleaning.

Then the sofa sucking with a soft brush setting and make sure to be as smooth as possible so that the leather does not scratch. Once you have finished vacuuming, see if it focused spots or stains on the sofa and using a damp cloth to clean - all leather is usually required. If your sofa has stubborn stains, rub gently with a mild soap (be sure to do a test on the first point) without too much water.

What are your best tips for cleaning sofas parts - the latter in the comments section - below.

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