
Property Brothers & # 39; Jonathan Scott revealed the worst thing he & # 39; S never seen a house

Jonathan Scott HGTV brothers property maintains its own house and he divided friendly with her ​​best cleaning tips charm, top - bottom. In other people's homes, but there were some situations very, uh, dirty. Read on if you can get around very uncomfortable.

jonathan Scott cleaning.jpg


What part of the house that people always forget to clean when they move?

I do not know if they forget to clean or simply not, but it's the bathroom. Nobody wants on hands and knees, but again, I'm the same way. I am going to clean all other areas of the house 100 - times before you clean the bathroom way I Swiffer Wet Jet not to lose and then dry.. The bathroom is to keep the most important room clean but cleanliness is my least task. You will notice in my program that always take homeowners the toilet, and I'll never.

How many times - to clean your house?

. I'll accumulated dust or dog hair a deep cleaning to do in every two weeks to remove general, most wood floors should not be washed at all times; is more than one kind of things point own. But I have a big house in Las Vegas, and there are parts of the house, I do, which is not always name it, it's okay if I say. "I get to the next week" in a small apartment there, where no is used, so it is very important to have versatile work furniture for storage, so they can get rid of clutter.

This is clean: you or your brother?

Drew is much more minimalist, so you want to know something, never. Moreover, when I cook a meal they do not care to leave pots and things until I ate, but Drew wants to clean before taking a bite.

Then the food is cold!

That's what is mine! But it is clean as you go. I am more and eat and enjoy my food and everything to get clean.

What's the grossest thing I've ever seen in a house that someone just left?

It was a house, entered the conservatory was where they kept the dog inside for a long time, so that when the user has left the whole room was full of dog feces. The whole room. And so we had to go and not just clean all dog shit, but we had to empty the whole room because it smelled. How large? I do not know why they let their dog mess in the house.

And now! What your parents teach you about the cleaning?

"Cleanliness is next to godliness." My mother made ​​a habit of that. We grew up on a ranch, and my father was always do the Ranch for cleaning work for him not so great a thing was, but my mother always said that regular cleaning easier, because you never great should clean up.

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