
Cleaning tips to reduce dust, etc.

I'm not the best housekeeper in the world. I once heard someone who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, the considerable clarity has won on their priorities, if such a message received. She said she wished she had spent cleaning a long time ago, and certainly not his remaining time to do so, going to spend.

Since hearing this, I moved a lot lower my priority list to clean. I suspect that my mother testify that I visited the last time, I think you could have written his name on almost every surface in my house in the dust. The day after his departure, which was actually home during the day. The sun shone, where you could see how dirty the place was and I like it or not, had to move the cleaning on the priority list.

He was as dust in our house, was surprised no one had asthma. Indoor air quality is one of the reasons why cleanliness is important. The five major indoor environmental triggers include tobacco smoke, dust mites, pet dander, mold and parasites. Spend With many people indoors 90 percent of their time, it is important to get our internal environment to protect to reduce asthma triggers. The USDA has a large resource named can to have a healthy home, helps to download from the Internet.

Among the five main triggers, at least I can smoke cross from the list of concerns in my own house secondhand, but I know that everyone can not. We often think snuff smoke, devastating to donate more than 40 carcinogens, is enough known in the respiratory function. Other sources of tobacco smoke can be fireplaces, candles and gas stoves. Limit the use of fire in the houses and exhaust fans on gas stoves help to improve indoor air quality.

Mites are not so obvious to see in part because they are too small, and can be found throughout the house. Here are some ways to dust mites and in turn improve to reduce the indoor air quality to wash sheets and blankets weekly in hot water and use the dryer, keep indoor humidity between 30 and 50 percent when overridden ground as hard floors instead of carpet and vacuum often even their furniture and mattresses. It is also a good idea to replace pillows every five years and limit the stuffed animals in the rooms. For items that can not be washed pull, consider freezing.

I must admit that recently cleaning, I found in my anger the house the bag with my husband in the freezer. He was not there to kill mites. In this case, I am concerned about bedbugs, but there is another story that I was sharing dying. It was fun to open the freezer and find the bag. Apparently I'm cooking or not clean as it was in the freezer for a stay in the hotel in November.

Of all the indoor air quality problems, I receive calls using the form. Fungal problems arising from excessive moisture, so that the first step to the source of moisture is found, and then work from there. Aside from leaks and other unusual problems, we end up with moisture from showers every day at home and bathroom. Make sure the bathroom fan running. With the form, if you see or feel, clean with a bleach solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water. Another suggestion is to limit houseplants to prevent especially in the rooms, that mold.

At home, the animal is a parasite, so it is difficult to distinguish between the two, however, may be either an asthma trigger. If possible, outdoors. Keep pets away from beds and rooms, especially in rooms where people sleep with asthma. It is also a good idea to keep litter boxes, dog beds and cages from bedroom. Try pets out of the upholstery. Vacuum frequently with a HEPA vacuum (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter. As for the pests that do not really want in your room or elsewhere in the house either. Some ways to combat pests is clutter, reduce clean spills and crumbs quickly. Caulk and seal areas where insects can enter the house. With a little less hospitable right place to control pests.

My husband asked if the inhospitable home to make for his mother-in-law work. I wonder, in fact, with so dirty that the house was the last time he was here, so I'll never go back. If only people would go after cleaning and not before. Of course I dare rare in this way. Whether your mother visited, I hope, help the Council IAQ, purify the air around your home.

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More information on this topic can be found in our blog and Facebook 31homeplace or contact Jane Wolery at 466-2492 or by e - mail to jwolery@montana.edu .

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