
Check your fireplace: Local experts advise you to save you from devastating fires

Utica, NY-- cold With several months ahead weather, fires the potential for chimney rises significantly, according to the local fire department.

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"Once everyone starts with heat, we see an increase in fires," said George Clark, deputy head of the Utica Fire Department. "What happens is usually the fireplace, because it blocked, clogged with ash and soot that still is actually in flames that came back into the house to smoke in the house to vapors. "

Fireplaces are one of the most common places where the fire breaks out, according to the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services State. Ash and soot as the name Creosote can build up and prevent known smoke ventilation chimney, which can cause a fire.

Bob Baker, owner of Marcy-based, fire safety was initially cleaning and inspection of chimneys for nearly three decades. He said that all chimneys should be checked at least annually to be cleaned.

"Too many people are waiting because they think when dry wood fire and burns hot, it will burn no problem be," Baker said. "The by-product of wood creosote burning ... more creosote can on the mantelpiece and fireplace below take a house."

Baker said any type of equipment to be used for a fire.

"Be sure to burn dry wood, he said." If the wet green wood burns and delivered to you, you are better off not to overcook it, because actually creosote produces three times the dry wood. It's too easy to take down a house with a chimney. "

To maintain the safety of homes fire, follow these guidelines:

• Have your chimney annually sighted by a
qualified professional chimney.

• only well seasoned wood balance.
• Install a chimney.

• Install a carbon monoxide detector.

• Have your chimney sweep to ensure that your
Fireplace has a suitable coating.

• After a violent storm, earthquake, flood or
ray is inspected by the channel
Damage - internally and externally.

For more tips and information, visit: www.dhses.ny.gov

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