
Expert Gun Care: 10 Tips for Thoroughly Cleaning a Gun.


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( ThyBlackMan.com ) For many gun owners, a well-maintained weapon is of paramount importance. Not only can you be proud of having a clean weapon, but your gun will work better if properly maintained.

Knowing how to clean a firearm can help prevent a malfunction that can otherwise lead to dangerous results. Keep in mind that regular cleaning of the weapon will help your gun last longer and perform better.

However, cleaning your gun is not always the most entertaining task, and even for the big firearm lovers, it can often be tedious. The most important aspect of this task is how to do it right so that your efforts are not in vain.

Would you like to learn how to keep your weapon as an expert? Follow these tips and you will know how to clean a gun like a pro.

1. Take your weapon safely

Before you start cleaning, you must disassemble your weapon properly. The good news is that most of today's firearms are easy to dismantle. However, the instruction manual explains exactly how you can disarm everything if you need additional help.

It is important that you defuse your weapon properly to avoid accidentally bending or damaging a part when attempting to use it forcefully. If you have lost your manual, search the Internet for instructions on copying or logging out.

You will want to separate all parts and pieces so you can clean all the small cuts and tears. And of course, before disabling your weapon, make sure that it has been unloaded to avoid possible accidents.

2. There is no ammunition in sight.

It may seem redundant, but it is very important that you have no ammunition in your weapon when disassembling it. Many firearms experts even recommend leaving your cleaning room in a room completely different from that in which your ammunition is stored.

Check three times before starting to disassemble your gun that has been properly unloaded. This is one of the most important steps when cleaning firearms.

We all read unfortunate articles about people who accidentally threw themselves while cleaning their weapons, even though they were sure they were unloaded.

3. Use suitable products.

When choosing products to clean your firearm, it is important to buy products designed specifically for firearms. There are many myths about the type of oils that can be used, and the use of oils that have not been developed for firearms can cause damage.

Volquartsen has an excellent oil for weapons that you can buy if you do not have any firearms yet.

Firearm cleaning solutions consist of three main types. Cleaning solutions used for lubrication and then protection.

Products that clean up the work of your weapon to decompose copper, lead and carbon inlays. With lubricants, the parts of your weapon can move freely, which reduces the wear. And protective mixtures prevent unwanted corrosion.

These three cleaning products ensure that your weapon functions optimally. Therefore, do not use old detergents.

4. Additional articles.

In addition to a good cleaner, you will need other items to properly clean the guns.

You need pipe cleaners or Q-tips to make cleaning easier in all hard to reach areas. You also need a cloth to clean the gun. And to clean the drums you need patches, a matching rod and brushes.

Most of these products can be purchased individually, but many gun owners prefer to buy cleaning kits for weapons of fire online or at your local sports shop. These kits contain all the items you need and allow you to easily store them in one place.

And keep in mind that different items may require additional items. For example, a shotgun needs a longer tool, a snake, to clean its barrel.

Fortunately, weapon kits are available in different variants. You can buy a universal cleaning kit if you have several types of firearms. The cleaning kits are sold in specific options for firearms.

5. Use a tray

Firearms often contain hardware, including pens and pens. And it would be a shame if I lost one of these parts during the cleaning process.

Using a tray under the gun during disassembly and cleaning can help prevent any small parts from being lost or falling to the ground.

6. Protect yourself

When deciding where to clean your weapon, keep in mind a few things. You want to choose a well ventilated place. The fumes released by gun cleaners can be strong, and the last place you want to take is in a small area where they breathe.

You probably also do not want the smell of these cleaning products trapped in your home. Remember to clean your gun in the garage with the door open, on the back porch, or in a place where the air is circulating.

You also want to protect yourself with glasses. You do not want to suffer accidentally when a spring appears or sprays chemicals into your eyes . That's why it's important that your eyes are protected.

7. Know when to clean

Many gun owners often wonder how often they have to clean their firearms. Well, the answer is not in black and white and really depends on the use of the weapon.

For weapons that are used regularly but not used, it is important to conduct regular and rapid investigations. If you notice the gun looks a bit dirty, it's time to clean it.

For weapons near your home or vehicle, you can use a weekly inspection to determine if corrosion is occurring.

If you bring your gun to the shooting range, it is a good idea to clean it at the end of the day. Even if you have just cleaned it before leaving, a longer session in the area can lead to wear and cleaning indicates possible wear problems.

When cleaning your weapon, it is also important not to rush. It should not take more than half an hour, but you must be careful during this time to avoid missing a place.

8. Clean in the right direction

If you clean your gun properly, make sure it stays clean and that your cleaning efforts have the most impact. First, you want to eliminate all waste and lead scabs . You do this with your products designed to clean the weapon.

In the next step, the lubricant is used. Here many gun owners make a mistake. The idea that "more is better" when it comes to smearing the gun is wrong.

Excessive lubrication can cause dirt and debris to adhere to your gun, especially in the duct and in the cooking chamber. It is better to lightly grease the gun and to know that a little oil goes very far.

Last but not least, the protection comes. After completing the cleaning, apply a layer of your protection solution to avoid possible corrosion.

If you keep your gun in a very humid place or surrounded by salt water, you may need a bit more protection. However, be careful not to over-promote during this step. Rub the product and clean it to keep it a nice coat.

9. Memorize all parts.

When cleaning your weapon, you must clean all parts. This includes any magazine that you have recently used or that has been used since the last cleaning.

Most loaders are easy to disassemble and should be cleaned as carefully as the rest of your weapon for optimal performance.

10. Final functional test

After cleaning and reassembling your gun, make sure it works. So do not forget to try your weapon.

Use a safe shutdown device while your weapon is still unloaded, and squeeze the trigger to make sure it is "pulling" properly. You should also make sure that the trigger is correctly restarted when mounting the carriage.

Understand how to clean a weapon.

Just as it is important to remember that weapons are not toys, it is also important to understand how to clean a gun. By regularly cleaning his weapon, he shows the weapon the respect it deserves.

The cleaning is, as mentioned above, a crucial element for the owner of firearms and for the perfect condition of his weapon.

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Editor; Calvin Jackson

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