
Experts give advice on how to clean your life in this spring season

He is the new pier. A great time of year declutter, reorganize and refocus. The renewal season in full swing, we made our four experts that give us tips on spring cleaning to give four major areas of our life, our food, our exercise routine, our minds and of course our house. Are you ready to begin the cleaning? Come on!


Image Credit: Jenne Claiborne

If you try your diet to spring clean decide for the first thin. People feel lethargic and bloated because your digestion in poor condition. The best thing you can do is detox food aid, especially by eating more fiber helps to be regular. Fiber-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, rice, cereals, pulses, mushrooms and even provide healthy bacteria that aid digestion and the immune system. I also suggest you clean your fridge and pantry. If you are unhealthy foods are processed at home, they are more likely to eat. Enter compost.

Replace them with foods that are healthy and good. And I do not think you have to forego snacks. only undesirable change for raw nuts and seeds, fruits, hummus with raw vegetables and whole grain crackers. Replace drinks and juices unsweetened tea and water can be given daily a tablespoon of vinegar cider (ACV) to an 8 ounce glass again. Stroke is good for digestion; It helps to keep under control blood sugar levels, and can help you lose weight.

- Jenné Claiborne, health - Coach, vegan chef, blogger, author of the forthcoming book, "Soul sweet potato" www.sweetpotatosoul.com .


Image Credit: Ciji Carr-McManus

This time of year is perfect because it gives us more opportunities out there to take part in training programs. Outdoor exercise gives you not only a change of scenery, but also allows you to enjoy the fresh air and pleasant climate. You can go for a long bike ride, jog in the park or enjoy a stroll taking in the neighborhood. It is good to change their exercise routines and think of new ways to spice things because if the exercise feels like a chore, you will not want.

Try to make it fun. In the more cardio dance class or strengthen your weight training Add through a timed circuit routine. I encourage people to make even a preliminary list of goals that lead to the goal of fitness. For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, then create a realistic timetable and work to achieve this goal. Track your progress through the magazine or a video blog is another way to help keep you motivated to recognize their achievements and identify areas that have stagnated or stalled.

- Ciji Carr-McManus, the creator and founder of the dance Up Fitness Manager www.thechargeduptour.com  


Photo credit: Monica T. Campbell, Ph.D.

To the mind and relieve stress and anxiety, more care needs to be done and find the time to focus and calm down. We are busy doing things for other people, but do not give us the first priority. Taking care of yourself can be a little to have a regular exercise routine, getting enough sleep and meditation that can focus on the present moment without worrying about what might happen in the future. We also have to try to separate from our electronics and removed. It is with all the information we have the time, can all lead to stress at hand.

We also recommend Spring clean your mind to check. It's a great way to take all the negative thoughts you have. If you find that you have a change of mood, it is a good time to review and to focus on what you say at this time. I urge to write these thoughts and study the people. do not take them seriously. And if you want to deconstruct some of these negative thoughts, a licensed therapist can help you do. Sometimes there is a huge scar in the black community for help. But it is to treat a healthy way, how you feel and new solutions to some of the challenges they find is facing.

- Monica T. Campbell, PhD, psychologist, http://www.drmonicacampbell.com


Image Credit: Jodie Watson

Once you are warm days and motivated to take care of what they have overlooked in our hibernation. If you can, depending on the size of your site for a week in the spring spend cleaning and organization, which is fine. But if not that kind of time to spend weekends or parts of the weekend it's fine. Spring cleaning powder and the areas rub that usually do not like the back closet, under the bed, between the sofa cushions and on top of furniture.

There will also be rinsed and classification of items that you might not get a regular basis. Beat the three main areas of all, your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, and then move to other areas of your home. Clutter and chaos us heavier and can be stressful and overwhelming. So when you are finished your spring cleaning, you have a sense of accomplishment, a sense of control over your space and be more at peace. Surely you improve your mood, make you feel lighter and brighter.

- Jodie Watson, founder and president of the supreme unity, author of "serve with passion," www.supremeorganization.com

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