
cleaning Tips

Learn tips to clean it a little easier.

✓ broken glass - Everything you need to collect the fragments do is press a piece of bread in the region. This is as trouble-free as.

✓ Dust repel dryer sheets - It's true, actually protect dusty surfaces with these bad guys cleaning the surface of the earth in the future. Static rocks!

✓ Clean the shower head with vinegar - Distilled white vinegar in a plastic bag and cover shower head with it. Leave overnight and wipe dirt in the morning.

✓ pans A-Burn - filling the mold blackening a surface layer of water and 1 cup of white vinegar. Heat in the oven for a few minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of baking soda once removed. try rubbing now.

✓ The ultimate fan clean ceiling - take a pillowcase every single fan blades and then pulls out, dust actually caught the pillowcase inside, instead of falling to the ground.

✓ stain glass baking going on - all you need is a little washed a ball of aluminum foil that has been coated with a little detergent.

✓ shoes quick-drying - After a rain storm stuff with newspaper shoes and a small bag of uncooked rice. That dries in no time!

✓ Clean ultimate mattress - fill a spray bottle with vodka and lightly sprayed on the bed. After drying in the air and remove odors kill most bacteria.

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