
Halitosis: 5 tips to get rid of a day of bad breath

Bad breath (aka halitosis) is embarrassing, it is a situation that is reduced apos; s self-esteem. Most of the time, which are caused by lifestyle habits that can be easily checked or treated.

Bad breath can be due to the strong smell of eating, smoking, dry mouth, periodontal disease / disorder disease, but the main cause of bad breath is the bacteria that accumulate in the back of the tongue or between the teeth.

Bad breath can be very embarrassing play

Bad breath can be very embarrassing


Brushing or flossing daily no cleaning, smoking or chewing snuff products contributes causing even for bad breath odor-causing bacteria and food particles also important factors.

A dry mouth, certain medications and tract infections are the main causes of bad breath.

1. Brush twice a day and to get rid of the food caught in the mouth Flossing

2. Drinking water at intervals

3. Clean your tongue -A- say after the teeth or a tongue cleaner brush

To stimulate 4. Eat mint or peppermint gum saliva production, reduce halitosis help

5. Rinse your mouth after eating and fruits rich in vitamin C food

Sometimes it can be a sign of a disease / underlying disease, gravity case to be tested

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