
5 simple maintenance tips for your camera

  • Guess who accompanies him everywhere, committing each event and each consignment of travel?

    Well, it is none other than your camera that captures all your memories and comes with the best motorized faders for the period.

    It's still really share with you, it moves you and with you all the memories. In this case, what you think you deserve?

    Well, it deserves to keep him safe and proper operation some time and effort in any case.

    Whether it does not matter to a normal digital camera or a digital SLR, which had a very good deal on it and wait obviously go on a long journey with her. So, let these tips help you admire the life of the camera to extend:

    Humidity 1. Maintain

    You know what is the greatest enemy of the camera?

    It is moisture .... !!

    Moisture is a shock that the sensor of the camera could hit really bad and hard. What it does is, it affects the image sensor of your SLR camera with which to grasp the device loses its focus.

    So here you have to know what the weather conditions are good for the health of your camera.

    You should hold the camera safe in a camera bag or always in a padded case to keep it away from moisture. to be more careful, in a cool, dry place for further care.

    2. Some lens care

    So if you buy a camera must make a promise, always completely covered and secure when each use applied and how to do the lens cover (front and rear) keep them away from scratches or injury.

    Always make sure you have the cleaning kit for your camera, including spray, wipes and stuff.

    You can use the sensor to detect dirty spots lens and clean. Soft to remove using microfiber, silk or satin cloth dirt. Now if you are a little liberal with your spending, you can take the camera to a professional cleaner from time to time.

    3. Blow dirt

    When was the camera for a whole program in the dirt, dust, mud and sun with you, then he certainly deserves pampering before it clicks.

    The objective of the camera is clogged with dust and dirt when exposed to the outside world. Of course, you want to capture images while on camera lenses to do so with a fan of all time cleaning.

    Using the blower to remove dust, blow slots lens go for a perfect click before.

    4. Choose the right camera bag

    Well, we choose our clothes after destination you are traveling. Similarly, our camera needs similar attention when it comes to carrying bags.

    Each consignment or tour that you take your camera, have their own challenges. So you need to choose the camera bag suitable for these situations.

    Since a bag with several compartments choose strong and sturdy for a long journey, a waterproof bag water properly padded beaches if it is a normal transition, you bought a backpack to carry the device.

    If you go to a store for these purchases, you should bring your camera to ensure that it can easily fit into the pocket. If you go online and then accurately measure dimensions.

    5. Set the camera and

    Obviously, I know ... ... !!

    I know I could even react in the moment. They know that the batteries must be recharged when the camera is used. While actually it means more than that. If you use the camera with a low battery, it is more likely to cause a rupture. Furthermore, it was found that alkaline batteries can cause collisions in the machine if you always have to hold responsible.

    Even if you have fresh breath, do not use the camera for months, charge it and then put it back safely.

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