
Meet precautions to reduce asthma symptoms

At temperatures below zero, residents are reminded to keep warm, but it is also important to take precautions to avoid sick or aggravation of allergies.

Million people - 25.9 million in the US - has asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. It has become increasingly common, even in all genders, ages and ethnic groups since the early 1980s is one of the most common and costly disease and has no cure.

Airway inflammation occurs when a person who suffers from asthma. This can cause wheezing, coughing and chest tightness. For those who do not find relief, asthma attacks can be fatal.

While there is no way to asthma is to prevent for a plan, there are ways to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Ranbir Sharma Cleburne pediatrician said that the winter season is when we see the spread of the virus.

With people in small spaces while collecting family celebrations, Sharma said it spread to germs easily is quick and easy.

"Cold air can also worsen," he said. "The most important way to prevent spasms of asthma, you should use inhaled steroids, which is an inhaler to keep an inflammation of the airways. It is very common for people who say they are in good health throughout the year, but in winter it only uses the inhaler. cause known cold air spasms of the bronchi. "

Other precautions can be taken to control asthma and other diseases, including washing hands, do not touch your face with your hands and coughing or sneezing into the arm, not your hands.

"Keep your immune system as much as possible," he said. "A healthy diet and plenty of sleep have are too high."

AAFA provides some suggestions to reduce exposure to allergens that can trigger asthma attacks.

There are several things you can do at home:

• Wash kill clothing and bedding in hot water to dust mites. The water temperature should be at least 130 degrees.

• If pets trigger a reaction, keep pets out of furniture and beds where they can leave the skin and scales again. Limit the rooms where pets stay. Research has children exposed to pets may be early in life actually shown, less likely to develop allergies and asthma.

• Do allergy test pillowcases.

• vacuum per week with an air filter at least twice with improved high efficiency particulate filtration.

• Reduce moisture around the house, as it can lead to the spread of mold. Mold is a common trigger of asthma, which means that the use of a dehumidifier, which holds repaired a clean, dry bath and leak.

• Insist that people who are products snuff smoke out of the house. Smoke snuff has been shown to increase the development of asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases, according to the American Academy of Allergy.

There are also some things you can do at work:

• Avoid smoking areas outside shops and office buildings.

• the cleaning program office know and those hours work. In some cases, products and other cleaning chemicals can trigger seizures.

• Keep stress to a minimum because of the intense emotions can cause asthma symptoms.

• Check the outside air quality before you off. Stay home for ozone alerts or stagnates when the air is very moist or.

• Seasonal allergies and asthma often go hand in hand. Check pollen, mold and ragweed number. Stay home on peak days.

• be physical education teachers know that physical education of asthma attacks in children can cause and they should look for the symptoms.

In addition to these tips a rescue inhaler can help calm possible attacks, and keep drugs at any time.

For more information or more tips, see www.aafa.org .

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