
8 tips on how to keep your own feeders and safe for your backyard birds


New research in "Science" published suggest that change some birds in the UK on additions to the adjustment. The study suggests that populations of great tits (Parus major) have what is called the balance is interrupted, that is, the change it bursts too fast suddenly in response to environmental changes subject. These birds are changing with the tip with better access to food in the feeder. Oxford University's Department of Zoology is a leader in the research, part of a study of 70 of these birds. Wochit

Make sure that your birds in 2018 and beyond these eight useful tips to stay healthy!

1. Avoid the stack to an adequate supply area. Many birds with a charger look wonderful, but overcrowding is an important factor in the spread of the disease. When the birds are struggling to get the food, which is overcrowded. This crowding also creates stress that they can to disease more susceptible birds.

2. Keep the area clean supply of food waste and excrement. A broom and dustpan can do much good.

3. Make sure no sharp objects cribs. Even small nicks and cuts allow bacteria and viruses from penetrating healthy birds.

4. Clean and disinfect feeders. (10 percent) disinfected using liquid chlorine bleach in nine parts hot water. Make enough solution completely cleaned supply vacuum for two to three minutes diving. Allow to dry air. to do once or twice a month, but every week might help if you're sick birds notice your feeders more.

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5. Drag the musty odors, wet food is to mold or fungus growing on it. Disinfecting at any storage vessel, the stale food and blade used thereof, to fill the wells.

6. Hold the stored animal feed. Mice can carry several diseases of birds and transmitted without even affected.

7. Do not until the sick or dead birds to act waiting. With proper prevention, you rarely found sick or dead birds to your feeder.

8. Encourage your neighbors birds that pursue the same precautions feed. Birds usually travel between feeders and can spread diseases as they move. Sick birds show feeders and other birds can become ill as a result.

Remember - just because the birds are not without problems feeding does not mean it is bad and must be stopped. This means that you have an ethical obligation not to endanger wild birds. Which bird feeding is required, it is intelligent. the above precautions, and you can still follow enjoy eating healthy wild birds.

If you have to eat any questions or attract birds - mail to wbuwausau@gmail.com or call - us at 715-298-3140.

Lori thrust ring is the owner of Wild Birds Unlimited food storage Rib Mountain.

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