
10 important tips for your dog & # 39 Cleaning; ears

What - do you see your dog shake his head or scratch his ears more than once? I live with three hunting dogs and all long ears. Allergies can be expressed as chronic otitis media or itching. Unfortunately, all my dogs have left the vet with an ear infection at some point diagnosed. In this sense, regular ear cleanings makes a real difference. Thus reducing temporary storage ear vet visits.


Clean your dog's ears should be a conversation with your veterinarian before the regular monthly cleaning or twice a month. As a certified veterinary - technician, I know how important consideration, since some cleaners may actually be dangerous to your dog. If your dog has severe problems, a review of the complex to evaluate should be performed eardrum (tympanic membrane).

Cleaning Tips essential ear

Physiological saline solution can be used, and is safe, including products such as cleaners Virbac Epi-Otic ear for . Epi-otic has a low pH - value of 2.2 and contains chlorhexidine or alcohol. Particular attention should be used with cleaning agents containing chlorhexidine, when the integrity of the eardrum is not known why this is a meeting - with a veterinarian is important if your dog has problems.

The regular cleaning of the ear by a parent animals should focus on the external auditory canal. A professional veterinary - technician or veterinarian can perform a demonstration of steps - below.

M aterials:

You need cotton balls , cotton swabs applicators and ear drops as Virbac cleanser Epi-Otic ear.

10 Steps:

  1. It is important to remove cotton balls to use debris, which can be seen in the ear canal. The remains are sometimes exaggerated typically wax and hair. excessive hair is common in many breeds, including terriers and poodles.
  2. Cleaning ears can be a two - person job, and restricting the light can be helpful. Most dogs do not like to have clean ears!
  3. Carefully the point of proper distribution insert the ears of your pet to open, or cotton balls to clean take (my advice is favorite) bottle. It may be useful to heat the cleaner on the counter left so that it is at room temperature.
  4. Gently press the cleaner (or cotton balls) until the liquid to the opening of the ear canal.
  5. Then massage the ear, while the Pinna (fin) holds the common dog do shake to prevent normally. This massage breaks debris.
  6. Then clean the debris. Gently clean dry the ear with cotton wool. You meet some - some of the debris is cleaned the ear canal. Next to clean ears, until the debris away. ( Wipes the ear also is available for quick cleaning).
  7. Repeat until all debris away.
  8. Step back and let - shake!
  9. Ear wipe them with cotton balls, to ensure that the entire channel is dry.
  10. Switch to the other ear, rinse and repeat.

What kinds of ear problems affect dogs?

In the case of (middle ear) or otitis media internal (inner ear), may be signs of pain when opening the mouth and shakes his head, pawing in the ear, head tilt or an altered sense of balance. Parents should animals that control these symptoms.

Ear cleaning routine can reduce the risk of infection not only can notice something that will not only clean the ear through the process.

I recommend to consult your veterinarian you if your dog experiencing discomfort and itching ears should therefore recommended that signs be treated an infection.

The information in this article is not meant to replace professional help from a veterinarian.

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