
How to remove stains from sugar beet and everything

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Beets are delicious and make a delicious salad. However, the juice? Well, if you spill a lot of luck, where he landed. For stains easier cleaning of the beets house today asked three cleaning professionals for their best advice. That's what they had to say.

Pro Tip: silk and wool should always be professionally cleaned.

Removing Stains from sugar ...

Dress ...

Dan Miller, Founder / CEO, Mulberry care of clothing , beets treated spots on washable clothes and other vegetable Spots:

  1. Pre-treatment the stain with lemon juice or vinegar break down. Let stand for 5 minutes. (It may also be useful to tackle the stain with a small brush or a toothbrush during this period.)

  2. Rinse with water to ensure that the acid does not not damage clothing sure. In most cases, to solve the pre-treatment the stain.

  3. Rinse the bottom of the stain with a solution of 1 tablespoon of washing and 3 cups of hot water.

  4. Machine wash as usual.

  5. If the stain remains, treat with an enzyme-based stain contains pectinase and let it run for 15 minutes, then wash as usual.

  6. If the stain persists, is the last option, an agent such as oxygen or hydrogen peroxide to use chlorine bleach. This can cause a loss of color, so be sure to test in an inconspicuous area. Applying hydrogen peroxide or an aqueous solution of diluted bleach (1 teaspoon of bleach in 1 cup of water) to the stains.

  7. Do not let these products on the fabric sit for more than a minute before rinse with warm water.

  8. wash as usual. Do not tumble dry, except stain is gone.

  9. If the stain persists, take the garment cleaning products.

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