
How to clean white shoes

If you are like us, you have thought a lot about your shoes, but all of that is insignificant compared to the time you spent keeping your favorite shoes clean. Let's face it, maybe the only real way to keep new white shoes is, yes, new is never to wear them. But that is not realistic. And what will you and your super cute outfit do if they are kept safe in the box at the top of your closet? Cheer up these babies and unpack them, because the shoes are made to be worn. The shoes get dirty, especially the white ones.

But just because white shoes get dirty doesn't mean they should stay that way. With a few simple tips and the right tools in your shoe cleaning arsenal, you can make white shoes look like new.

Before you start driving your new Bright Kicks, there are a few tips to keep in mind to avoid dust accumulation and problems on the road.

  1. For leather shoes: use a leather protection cream or leather spray to protect them from stains and water damage.
  2. For canvas shoes: spray a thin layer of fabric protection on new shoes to repel dirt and stains.
  3. For all shoes: a little daily care is very useful. Take a minute or two after each use to remove dust from your shoes (for canvas shoes it is enough to brush carefully or even hit the pair; for leather shoes, the dirt of the day is removed by quick cleaning) ,

    Practicing the three tips above extends the lifespan of white shoes (and not white shoes, by the way). But when white shoes have officially lost their shine, try these simple cleaning methods. With a little TLC (we're talking about five minute tops, depending on how dirty your shoes are), your white shoes will be bright and happy again in no time.

    how to clean white shoes sneakers white leather shoes
    Take off your shoelaces before you start cleaning your shoes. This enables easier access to the shoe. The cables must be cleaned separately.

    IrenaV Getty Images

    How do I clean white leather shoes?

    Bickmore Water & Stain Repellent

    Bickmore water and dirt repellent


    $ 12.97

    What you need:

    • Soft brush
    • Clean towels
    • Soft detergent ( Dawn works well)
    • Hot water
    • baking powder
    • Magic eraser
    • paper napkins

      Step by step instructions:

      1. Remove the cables and clean them separately by soaking them in water with liquid detergent. Rinse to dry and place on a clean paper towel.

      2. Remove the dirt with a brush by gently brushing off the entire shoe.

      3. Mix the detergent with 1 cup of warm water.

      4. Thoroughly clean both shoes with a cloth or brush with the soap mixture.

      5. For heavily soiled spots or stains, dip a damp brush (an old toothbrush can very easily penetrate small cracks) in baking soda. Brush the stain carefully and clean it with a clean cloth.

      6. Use a magic eraser on the soles.

      7. Use a clean cloth and clean water to rinse your shoes.

      8. Put white paper towels and other things in your shoes. (This helps them keep their shape while drying).

      9. When dry, treat with a leather care product to restore suppleness and shine.

      White toothpaste without gel works even with difficult stains. Replace baking soda for the same effect.

      how to clean white shoes sneakers canvas white shoes
      Don't give up dirty shoes! It only takes a few minutes for them to look like new. However, avoid the washing machine: the washing cycle can damage the shoes. Stay away from bleaching agents as they can cause a yellow dye that is difficult to remove.

      nastenkapeka Getty Images

      How to clean white canvas shoes

      Shoe Spray Protector

      Shoe Spray protection

      $ 19.99

      $ 14.99 (25% off)

      What you need:

      • Soft brush
      • Clean towels
      • Mild detergent
      • Hot water
      • Magic eraser
      • paper napkins

        Step by step instructions:

        1. Remove the cables and clean them separately by soaking them in water with liquid detergent. Rinse to dry and place on a clean paper towel.

        2. Remove the dirt with a brush by gently brushing off the entire shoe.

        3. Mix the detergent with 1 cup of warm water.

        4. Clean the two shoes (from top to bottom) with a cloth or brush with a soap mixture.

        5. Use a magic eraser on the soles.

        6. Use a clean cloth and clean water to rinse your shoes.

        7. Put on white paper towels and fill the shoes. (This helps them keep their shape while drying).

        how to clean white shoes sneakers baking soda and brush
        Baking soda is your best friend for removing difficult stains on white shoes. Dip a wet brush (an old toothbrush is a great tool to get into small cracks) in baking soda. Brush the stain carefully and clean it with a clean cloth.

        BSIP / UIG Getty Images

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