
Tips for starting your car safely in the new year

MANY drivers will undoubtedly have made the New Year's resolution to keep their pride and joy clean.

And to ensure a good start, Moneybarn car lender was inspired by Instagram's clean feeling, Mrs. Hinch. Moneybarn has a guide developed on how to maintain your car really clean and its resolution throughout the year.

Start from the outside:

Regular washing of your car is essential as it not only prevents the accumulation of dust, dirt and air pollutants, but also ensures compliance with legal requirements. If you are caught driving an illegible license plate while driving on UK roads, you may be fined.

Also make sure that your windshield is clean and that the windshield washer is always full. If you have an accident caused by a visual impairment and the glass cleaner glass is empty, you can fall into hot water.

Have no fever in the cabins:

You may think that leaving food containers on the board or throwing an empty cup of coffee in the back seat is harmless, but the inside of your car becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

If your car has to undergo a TÜV test, you should keep an eye on cleanliness. If your vehicle is classified as too dirty or inaccessible to your mechanic due to an overload, you may be refused a TÜV inspection. If you are satisfied with the appearance of your vehicle, update it with a fragrance spray or air freshener and repeat it regularly.

Be baby friendly:

If you have a young family in tow, you need to clean your child's car seat regularly. In a recent study, 30 different types of bacteria were found in the most affected areas of a car seat, including intestinal and fecal bacteria.

Before you start thorough cleaning, read the operating instructions for your car seat to ensure correct and safe disassembly. Check all maintenance instructions after disconnection as some cleaning chemicals may not be suitable for the material or use by children.

Visit supermarkets and look for specialized brands that offer baby-friendly cleaning products based on non-toxic ingredients and eliminate harsh chemicals.

Treat dogs in a mess:

If you have a dog companion who regularly travels with you in the car, your hair is likely part of the furniture as it may be difficult to spot and even more difficult to remove.

Try using something sticky like tape or a lint roller to pick up the hair. If that doesn't work, spray water on the area and clean the seats with a squeegee or rubber gloves.

Remember to brush your dog before leaving and put a plastic wrap in the trunk or invest in a seat cover that protects the upholstery of your car.

Fly in action on bird droppings:

Every time you park your car, there is a risk that you will return and find that a bird has damaged your engine. Bird droppings contain acid that attacks wax and paint.

Therefore, remove the bird droppings as soon as possible. When the stain is cold, it is easier to remove. Simply spray sparkling water on the surface and rinse it off with cold water a few minutes later.

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