
care as for antique carpets and region

Because maybe old, and can not be color, these rugs are usually hand, they need special care. The brushroll a new upright vacuum cleaner is too hard to use a cartridge filter or an upright vacuum with a beater bar (not to be found in the latest models). prevent the strips along the edges, that the nozzle may be covered with removed using a nylon hosiery bonding or vacuum setting that the rotating brush turned off and only provides suction. always strive mean that the battery should be.

If the rug is small enough, take it outside, hanging on a clothesline and dust with a soft brush. Since the granular soil eroded support a mat, mats vacuum time back time. Reset grease stain with a dry detergent, the first test in an inconspicuous area, perhaps the edge or backside.

Every one to three years, cleaned according to their national transport, the carpet by a professional. Tags oriental rugs do not always provide information on the fiber support. Consumer Reports found tests made that a manual carpet "100 percent wool" in may have an explosion or a cotton base and carpets manufactured machine comprise a strip or synthetic fiber fleece. The presence of other fiber that a professional must be able to identify, may become important during cleaning.

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