
Cleaning their weapons

I'll do an article to clean his shotgun for five months. But then I began to shoot pigeons Eurasia shortly after the winter season, the Coyote hunting in the feedlot when I shoot pigeons my boss, then started bait pigeons. So it was time for my annual project deeper to clean my gun.

My Mossberg 930 Pro series with each other is not an easy life. In fact, since the uterus (factory) to leave, it was only the war for them. As soon as I got it, I flew to Alaska and used his duck hunting course and fell headfirst into a hole in the river.

Then the whole week was to the bone in the rain soaked, and that can only be distributed in Alaska. When he finally came home, he enters high-speed shooting dove hunting.


It was time for a thorough cleaning of my weapons. As a child, I would put a few blankets or pillows on the kitchen table and try to keep my gun for cleaning upon them, rags are cut from an old worn flannel shirt. There are some modern elements that are easier guns make cleaning and would not cost much.

These are the elements that I have used and why I love them.

MTM Gunsmith - Center - Service: The system is air, but it is only a plastic base with two teeth "Y" for you to put your weapon. It has a compartment for holding oil, rags and stems. Life 100 times easier it becomes. I am also in the field with me sometimes. For example, soon I will have a 25-06 shooting Hornady ammunition and tests to see how clean the weapon affects its accuracy. I'll put the MTM on the tailgate of my truck.

Bar cleaning: OK, I'm from the old school. I like a strong cleaning stick to my guns at home. I have just one boss Avid Pro Cleaning Kit threat a brass rod three parts. It comes with a variety of tips, brushes, etc.

Cleaning oils: I can not even begin can tell you how to clean many Otis solvents and oils. I bet you have 20-30 different. For this task remover solvent cleaners its full copper and gun protection weapon. Then I like their protection in a spray gun. Thus, if necessary, you can apply the oil in inaccessible places.

Swabs: I have some hyssop their fresh foam - pads and cleaning pads connect your drumstick. I love the seal on a stick (they look like a cleaning pad ear). They are ideal for cleaning hard to reach places accessible.

Towels: For cleaning cloths, rags Brownell. Child, will try to reduce the size of the spot with old rusty pocket knife, and it works, but it sure is nice to have quite a large cloth.

At first I was a patch with copper remover guns and soak run for a minute, then dropped a brass brush. I followed with a clean and full gun oil from clean cloth. Then I found clean cloth patches in the run protection spray solvent. And finally I was in solvents Protector with gun on the outside of my shotguns running a patch to prevent external corrosion.

My weapons are clean and ready to store - opened to complain season in three weeks and begin to clean.

Tom Claycomb lives in Idaho and outside in the newspapers in Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Colorado and Louisiana. He also writes for several magazines in the open and gives seminars in outdoor - stores like Cabela, Sportsman Warehouse and Bass Pro Shop.

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