
What will hide the air pollutants in their closets?

We spent most of our time indoors, breathing the fresh air when we live, work and play is essential. You may not know, but the air in your home may be your health dirty and dangerous. In fact, the indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air.

Air pollution can come inside from many different sources. You probably know that cigarette smoke, pesticides and fungi sources indoor air pollution, but did you know that some ingredients in common household products as well as the indoor air contaminate? These products or household process emit gas in the air called VOC or volatile organic compounds, and contribute to indoor air pollution. These VOCs may also react with other gases other air pollutants to form after being in the air.

VOCs are common ingredients in inks, paints, detergents and air fresheners - including formaldehyde , the butane and propane . These volatile organic compounds may endanger the health of your family, especially children and people with asthma live, COPD and other lung diseases. Breath VOCs can can cause irritation to the eyes, nose and throat breathing problems and nausea and can damage the central nervous system and other organs. Some, such as formaldehyde, can cause cancer.

The American Lung Association and Seventh Generation have to present together with help and advice on how to protect your family from volatile organic compounds and have better health in the country - including how to set up your child's room, proposals in a coat of paint and the obtaining new carpeting and the furniture and cleaning tips . For example, many houses, including cleaners, polishes and care needs often include soaps volatile organic compounds. advertised products such as "green" or "natural" may contain ingredients that can cause health problems. To reduce exposure, it is recommended that you choose products that contain either no or lesser amounts of ingredients such as ammonia, fragrances and combustible components. A good starting point is to look for household products, which the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States meet - safer choice standards.

As you can see, information about product content have to help make better decisions. We invite a habit to read labels to make ingredient before buying household products. You may be surprised to learn that the manufacturers are not required by law in the United States in the list of ingredients in household cleaning products. We believe that the consumer's right to know what is in their products for the home. More information about the campaign #ComeClean require manufacturers, while household consumption and industrial cleaning products all ingredients intentionally added to their product labels and websites to disclose.

It can be difficult to keep track of all the possibilities we keep our families healthy, but the American Lung Association is committed to working with healthy air for all Americans. After all, there are more than 32 million Americans living with chronic lung disease and a greater risk to the health of irritants in the air against. As more information about the VOC and you will see how to create a healthier home for you and your family.

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