
Cancer Council offers six tips for a healthy life

Queensland Cancer Council CEO Chris McMillan Queensland Cancer Council CEO Chris McMillan Paul Donaldson BUN200317CAN3

Spring cleaning is not limited to your living room - you can expand your health.

Here are some simple tips to revitalize their well-being for the new season.

Clean up your diet: a test of your eating habits to see behavior which areas can be improved.

Instead of focusing on what you can not eat, you can enjoy healthy foods that you can, as products enjoy sensational season.

Think about planning meals in advance if you do not already. A plan can save time and make sure it includes services a variety of nutritious foods five vegetables and two servings of fruit that you need to stay healthy.

Spring is a good time to light soups, sautéed vegetables and nutritious rich salad.

Spring Design: As the weather warms and the sun stays longer, it is the perfect time to change routines for the better, with extra daylight provides more time for their fitness to work.

Sunbathing and fresh air with a walk in the evening; Remember to stay Sunsafe and above the level of moisture. Or try a new form of physical activity, and ask a friend you connect - it feels much less like a chore when you have fun.

Clear out your mind: A mental spring cleaning gives us the possibility of customs rid that do not serve us and plant seeds positivity.

opportunities to learn to control stress practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or helps many people cope with the challenges that life brings.

Projections and Quotes - What should make arrangements to stay - about their health checks for the rest of the year?

Check which cancer screening tests are right for our website and take the time to understand the appearance of the body in order to communicate changes to a general practitioner.

Detecting cancer early increases the chances of survival. There are national programs for detection of breast, cervical and colon cancer.

Smarten sedentary: Do you spend much time on the couch often it's not your body or mind favors.

Instead of watching TV alone Zoning weekly party consistent view can provide the stable social time.

You can also exercise and weight of the body doing stretching while you increase watch your favorite programs of physical activity during the day.

Start writing: Keep a diary well - being or enjoy the many tracking - applications available, it is an effective way to analyze your eating habits, physical activity and mental health.

Write down what you eat and drink can help you lose unwanted kilojoules, identify foods that do not agree with you and make you more aware of certain habits, like snacking mindlessly.

Diarising practice you can get the recommended 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity or vigorous-intensity physical activity 75 to 150 minutes per week amount ensured.

to write something as simple as three good things that happened in a day, can have an impact on the happiness levels.

Remember, at least one third of all cancers can be prevented by simple changes in healthy lifestyle, including active, eat well, limit alcohol, quit smoking, stay SunSmart and participate in programs cancer screening.

Chris McMillan

Queensland Cancer Council CEO

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