
Cleaning Tips Health Ministry Hurricane

The Ministry of Health of Florida was founded in 1909 to combat the ravages of yellow fever and other tropical diseases. Over the years it has grown mosquito control to close the water quality, and more recently the process after a hurricane. These hurricanes have been often this year in the Sunshine State, the Ministry of Health has engaged in helping their bulletins and alerts updated citizens to keep safe while she recovers from the devastation.

Here are some of their most important key points:

You should always carry by entering a flooded building waterproof gloves and rubber boots. This not only protects against infections and mildew, but against electric shock if a naked or cable outlet nearby.

No clean cocktail mixing ammonia with bleach. Hold with one or the other side. The combination of these results in toxic smoke. When chlorine and ammonia is not available, the use of alcohol or vinegar friction. Mix one part own and ten parts water.

After Elliott Green Hygiene - Expert Touch Free Concepts need "Hard surfaces are cleaned as soon as possible with soap and water to prevent the occurrence of mold. After the soap and water, disinfectant bleach, as well. "

Curtains, cushions and rugs should be discarded. All flexible material, including upholstered furniture that may have been contaminated by sewage and mushrooms under water. Wet clothing should be immediately washed and dried. If there is a dry cleaning is in the area, take their silks and satins in them. Never attempt to clean equipment with gasoline - is only flammable vapors and also damage the long-term nervous system.

Drywall, and insulation that has been suspended must be eliminated and removed as quickly as possible flood water. This allows the interior walls of the structure to dry, which prevents the upper mold. When the power is back on you, you should try for some fans of this structural walls to dry quickly.

It is a painful decision, but parents should carefully remove flooded available all deluxe rooms and playroom for children. At least stool in a taxidermy serious illness can be swallowed or get into the eyes accidentally cause in a child. Some cleaning care the small plush toys of the cleaning, but it is very expensive.

The general rule is that items should not be disinfected and completely dry within 48 hours contaminated and pose a threat to their health are considered. Erase. Also a family photo, the water can damage seeds or pieces of waste water port that can thrive in bad smell in a few weeks.

If you have a cut or wound, do not put it floodwater. The possibility of contracting tetanus is too large. Treat immediately all scratches and cuts of antibacterial cream.

Start survivors of a storm experience high stress, rebuild their lives. Beware of sunburn and heat stroke begins on recovery work. Keep bottled plenty of water, sunscreen, sunglasses and hand.

For more information and tips on how to treat after a hurricane, visit the special website of the Florida Department of Health, click here.

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