
Via Netflix: 7 Tips for Editing Spring House Cleaning That Will Make You ...

Spring isn't just the time to do deep cleaning tasks that you've been neglecting all winter. It's also about organizing your home and taking control of your life, two things that can make you feel energized and refreshed. We spoke to two masters of the art, Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer from Get Organized With The Home Edit , and they offered us these helpful tips to get started.

1. Don't confuse cleanliness with organization. Take the time to think about your habits, your home and your lifestyle, and come up with smart solutions that you can stick with.

2. When you have a working system in place, go back to the 80/20 philosophy: don't leave your home more than 80% and reserve at least 20% for breathing. As soon as the elements spread out of the existing system, they no longer have a home and this is where disorder arises.

3. Label your categories or sort by color, which is a stand-alone tagging system! Tags provide an easy-to-use roadmap of where items are and where they belong.

4. Think about who is using the space. Where and how you place your zones is key to successful maintenance. For example, do you need to store items on low shelves so your kids can reach them on their own or on a tall shelf out of reach?

5. In the end, all that matters is that it contains your articles. The type of container does not matter. Everything just needs a house. Containers create zones and zones create systems! Not only do they give the objects a certain space, but they also hold you responsible for ensuring that this space is not exceeded.

6. If the system does not work for you, replace it to work. As new items are added, it is important to allow time each month to save and remove unneeded items.

7. Start each project with a change. This means that you remove all items from the area, group them into categories and delete what you no longer want or need. Only then can you choose the functional system that best suits your space and the objects that inhabit it.

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