World Hand Hygiene Day 2021: "Wash your hands", "Disinfect your hands" and "Maintain social distance" are the pieces of advice most frequently heard today. Last year he put hygiene in the spotlight like never before, re-emphasizing the importance of hand washing and hygiene.
Health and safety have become topics of discussion at the same time. The situation also called for a change in habits and more purification. While most of us turn to the traditional method of washing our hands with soap and water to protect ourselves from germs, it's also important to regularly disinfect our hands when we can't wash them.
"In order to limit our risk of becoming infected with germs, it is important to wash and disinfect your hands regularly. Not only does this help kill germs, but it also prevents potential infections from spreading. Therefore, good hand hygiene is a priority for maintaining overall health and wellbeing, "says Dr. Sushrutha CK, Ayurveda Research and Development Expert at The Himalaya Drug Company.
World Hand Hygiene Day 2021: When Should You Wash Your Hands?
We come into contact with countless surfaces every day. Remember to wash your hands well after using the bathroom, before eating or touching your face with your hands, and before putting your mask on.
Here are some expert tips to keep your hands clean and healthy:
- Avoid hot water as it can dry out your skin. Instead, wash your hands with lukewarm water. Be sure to clean between your fingers, backs of hands, wrists, and under your fingernails, which is likely a breeding ground for germs
- For safe and clean hands, use a liquid hand soap and preferably one that has the benefits of natural ingredients like tulsi, aloe vera, and lemon because they have antimicrobial properties that help kill germs and nourish the skin.
- Rinse your hands well and be careful not to leave any soap residue, as this can cause skin irritation.
- Dry your hands with a clean towel or fresh towels to avoid exposing your clean hands to germs on used towels and towels.
- It is better to take a hand hygiene disinfectant with you when traveling, especially when traveling. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with natural ingredients like cilantro, ushira, walnut herb, neem, and spiked ginger lily can help. These herbs are known for their antimicrobial properties.
- Have towels handy to keep your hands clean and free of dirt. Take a packet of hand wipes with you to dinner and use it to remove food particles from the corners of your nails, fingers, and hands. Look for one that is fortified with the benefits of herbs like aloe vera, tulsi, and lemon. Tulsi is known for its excellent antimicrobial and skin detoxifying properties.
One of the most effective ways to stop the spread of infection is to follow simple hand hygiene practices. Maintaining good hand hygiene not only ensures your protection, but also prevents infections from spreading to other people around you. It is the need of the moment to make hand hygiene a priority in order to lead a healthy and happy life.
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