
10 Tips for cooking all day without a mess

A project of the kitchen all day fun! (Especially if-ing snow.) To clean all day A project is not. If you include a super day snow attack recipe, you will need these tips to reduce the cleaning time and keep your sanity.

1. Begin with a clean kitchen.

Your kitchen should be flawless (or error-ish!) And be the dishwasher and sink (or drainer) must be empty before you start cooking. Adding to an existing more stress disorder. If there is a place for dirty for dirty dishes as you go, you can help.

2. Make a plan before you start.

Compare all the recipes for the day - how many of them use garlic or lemon peel? What is sugar or flour? Chop and measure all at the same time, the number of times that you have to wash your cutting board and measuring cup.

In an attempt to reduce the number of dirty dishes, try to remove the tools together. When toasting two kinds of vegetables at the same temperature, throw them on the same sheet of bread for the preparation of a dish. Need to cut the vegetables and chicken? Chop the vegetables first - and then the chicken - and you just have to wash the knife and one plate.

3. Choose the right tools for the job.

We've all been there: you begin to mix the ingredients in a bowl, to realize that not everyone fits. So you have to dirty a large bowl that you do not want to use because they do not want to have to clean up, but two shells have to wash now. If you are most insecure bowl or container, simply choose the largest.

The same applies to cutting for boards. Your cutting board can never be too great - especially when carried out from one day to cook. With a large cutting board, you can cut different ingredients in different quadrants and it's only later a washboard.

Store: 5 large and beautiful cutting boards

And if you need to measure, for example, a cup of milk, use a liquid measuring cup. You may think that your hand is strong enough to keep milk powder measuring cup, then place in a bowl, but it's probably not. This would be a recipe for a dish.

4. Get doses that are large enough to meet your measuring cup.

On a related note, make sure that the packaging of their dry goods (for things like flour and sugar) are large enough for your measuring cup. Yes, even a full spoon. If you can not take your drinks into the cartridge, then measures will be difficult - and messy. (Apart from the fact that most of the recipes are designed to work on a method and level ball, is not a method of spoon-in!)

Find the perfect pit: Click - Clack reservoir for the meal of sugar

5. Measure over the sink.

If you think to make a mess during the measurement, just done in the sink. If your prediction come true, simply rinse the sink.

Oh, and rinse the sink is also something to do. (Let's call Tip 5A.) If you do not have a lot of garbage, clean large pieces of food before the water begins to wane. And enter the sink itself every time a dust begins to thick with a search.

6. Use a dish like a giant spoon rest.

Drag a plate (every dish works well) before you start cooking. Use this option to be your measuring cups and spoons reused. His spatula, knife and spoon can rest on the plate to mix all well. In this way, they are your accountant not mess up.

7. Make friends with foil.

Baking sheets or line with paper forms for easy cleaning - especially when cooked something messy. There is nothing worse than scratching on cooked cheese!

8. Eliminates leftovers.

Use a garbage plate poultry peeling fruits and vegetables, meat and other pieces. You know, spread disadvantages your accountant. Simply empty the trash when it is too full.

For more information about garbage bowls: why we love this tool Underappreciated the kitchen

9. Tidy as you go.

Once you are done with an ingredient, put away the rest, so it is not space on the counter recording and creating disorder. Place an almond on the floor? Take now, before you forget. Spilling something? Clean it immediately; If you wait, you can harden and be even more difficult to wash.

10. Cleaning program breaks.

If the pan in the oven, or wait for the water to cook pasta, use this time to manage certain dishes or take out the garbage. do everything in the end not because once you have eaten the pot, you will need to deal with this subject. And also you will be tired, then!

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