
What earwax or cerumen impaction? Symptoms, advice, home remedies and the connection with tinnitus

From: Dr. Victor Marchione | Hearing of Health | Thursday, January 5, 2017 - 11:57

What earwax or cerumen impaction Doctors warn that attempts to remove earwax on your own, can be dangerous to the public. Product for cleaning and ear protection, ear wax accumulates dirt, dust and other materials that do not follow in the ear and cause damage. Dr. Seth Schwartz of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation - explains face: "There is a tendency to want people to clean the ears, because they believe that earwax an indication of dirt is to this misinformation leads. Health habits dangerous ear ".

Activities such as chewing or moving the jaw with the earwax to push. Next, shells or washed away during showering. This is an ongoing process - that fail in some cases. If the self-cleaning process is not effective, you can earwax, partially or completely block to build the ear canal.

Dr. Schwartz added. "Patients often think that they prevent the accumulation of earwax with clean her ears with cotton - buds, clips, earplugs, or a series of unimaginable things people in their ears set the problem is that this effort to remove earwax, only more trouble is to be established, because the wax is simply pressed down and moved further into the ear canal. Everything can cause in the ear cause serious damage to the drum of the ear canal with the potential temporary or permanent damage. "

Head and Neck - Surgery describes the dangers of excessive cerumen removal - The guidelines for the care of the ear were published in Otolaryngology. This is what the new guidelines include:

  • Avoid Overcleaning because it can irritate the ear canal and even cause an infection.
  • Do not stick objects into the ear. With cotton swabs, hairpins and toothpicks can cause a break in the ear canal, a hole in the eardrum or even dislocation of the ossicles, which leads like dizziness problems, ringing in the ears and hearing loss.
  • Never use "earplugs". There is no evidence that this practice remove the affected ear wax. On the other hand, the mirage could damage the ear canal and eardrum.
  • See your doctor if you listen to loss experience, ear fullness, drainage, bleeding or earache.
  • Ask your doctor if you have cerumen impaction at home, certain medical conditions or ears can handle some dangerous treatments.

Symptoms and complications from cerumen impaction

If to remove ear wax the natural process is not effective, you may end up with cerumen impaction. Therefore pavilions of earwax in the ear canal, the lock completely or partially. Cerumen impaction can also occur if an object in the wax, the ear into the ear canal sticks slide.

Symptoms of cerumen impaction include a feeling of fullness in the ear, ear pain, difficulty hearing, a burning sensation in the ear, ringing in the ears, ear discharge, odor ear and dizziness.

When the wax are untreated affected, the symptoms may worsen. Other complications may cause irritation of the ear, and even hearing loss.

Similarly: The case of the buffer , if you want to your ears to protect

Home remedies for removal of cerumen

initially not start to put cotton swabs in the ears. This practice is extremely dangerous, especially if you have deposited wax. Unclog can also damage the ear canal, and do not want that to happen.

If you have a problem, wax, it is necessary to soften the wax. You can do this by placing a few drops of hot olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide in the ear. Just the solution in the ear and lie on the opposite side of the affected ear, so that the liquid can really get. After about 10 minutes, rinse the ear and make sure that it dries properly. In a few days, the wax soften to the point where it starts to get out of their own - or doctor can empty - without too much pain.

Another method that is frequently manifested in the flights, the use of polystyrene cups. This resource is designed to relieve pain, especially during flights. Soak a towel in hot water, so that it can absorb. This warm, moist washcloth in the cup and hold it in the ear. Enter soften steam heat to the ears and the hard wax.

You can also alleviate a hot compress or a hot towel to the ear place pain.

Related: Truth in Health: Disorders of the ear

What causes earwax build tinnitus?

In some cases, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can be easily caused by impact earwax. In some patients, carefully remove the earwax Relief has made a call to offer, the feelings of pain and palpitations. You can use the suggested tips above impacted earwax remove, or consult your doctor. If tinnitus is caused by earwax, you get find immediate relief, shortly after the wax is removed.

Related: Supply of tinnitus: The food and avoid foods to manage the tinnitus

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