
A post-holiday primer Küchenhelfer

Decompression, new kitchen appliances with gas is something that we hope each holiday season. Clay pots to play on vacuum pumps, with these devices, is smell our version of lobster in this new car.

But most of its newly acquired equipment Drill sure these tips and tricks on how to make the most of their culinary toy.

RELATED timesaving Küchenhelfer Every Twentysomething must have "

Keep sharp knife head

A freshly sharpened knife is a pleasure to use, and with a little care, you can keep the fresh out of the box, as long as the feeling as possible. The washing of hands and the drying of the knife after each use, and perfect the edge reserves to reduce the right (pun intended) to the frequency with which you need professionally sharpened.

clean cutting board

Chop wood beautiful pieces of display may be with a little imagination, we can do all as if we Ina Garten Friday night for Jeffrey Cook . To keep your new presentable board, please note the following cleaning tips and rub with mineral oil to prevent odors and scratches on the smooth surface to accumulate once a month.

treat your occupation

Although many Cookware made of cast iron "pre-seasoned" to describe it is never a bad idea is a further round type to ensure its longevity. A massage with a neutral oil and an hour in a hot oven is the most efficient pan and the food is less likely to stay.

know your crockpot

Is there a slow cooker can not do? Before participating in a day of soups, stews and braised read these hacks votes crockpot , including the use for testing of bread and turn it into a water bath - foolproof to melt the chocolate.

Dominate Your Chemex

Now that you are the proud owner of an attractive Chemex, has officially crossed the country in coffee and snobbery we mean that in the best way. Keep blood - new cold reputation among our definitive guide to over - from how for all its payment purposes at the best tea to accurately measure their grain.

Chemex Pourover

A video posted by Tom Bielecki (@tombielecki) in

your nonstick
- Protect

Stick pans omelette skills revolutionized our impressions and Julia Child - but before French accent do best head through - follow these basic rules : Avoid high heat and never use sharp metal objects. The same rules apply to your nonstick baking.

sure his mandolin work

For and amateur chefs and professionally, this Slicer fantasy is both one of the most useful and the most feared in the kitchen appliances. Keep your precious fingers safe and enjoy their tokens, tian of vegetables and stews in layers with this mandolin outline the extent of the hand and the guide .

sous vide
- study

New in the world of emptiness? This ingenious method of cooking can be a bit difficult at first glance; Fortunately, there are many cookbooks and the guide to help you get started. You scorch perfect medium rare steak or flogging beautiful winter root vegetables , you have what you need.

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