
to know 5 things about housekeeping

Let's be honest - the breakfast is the only good thing about every morning. And you create your own you free access to the menu is, but can also be responsible for cleaning. Make easier with these tips and tricks Debbie Sardone, the mastermind behind SpeedCleaning.com .

1. Bacon is one of the worst enemies of the sink.

crispy bacon is delicious. It also creates a big fat mess. What to do with all the fat in the pan? If you are not going to cook to save it later, you have two choices: pay in an old metal can throw later, or let cool completely in the pan and scrape the solids in the waste. Never, ever put down the drain. It goes in a liquid but will cure and decrease over time, to clog the tube and.

When it comes to fat, which on the whole stove and counter splashed inevitably, let cool, then a surface spray with all-purpose cleaner. Let stand for a few minutes, then wipe with a sponge.

Of course it is not something that can be done to avoid the first splash. The Sardone "screen a big lead purchase the pan to display", "burst It will take more fat and can be placed in the dishwasher the rest the courts to avoid after breakfast. "Or very stovetop and fight cook your bacon in the oven .

2. Do not throw your cereal.

If you have a presentation, you can with all kinds of garbage caught in the sink trap. Grain is particularly problematic, because not only the milk residues to throw (cereal and leftovers) in the trash. The solution: "For draining the last bit of milk and cereals through a sieve or colander trapped in the trash spaghetti and cereals," says Sardone. Of course you have to dirty another court, but well worth a colander against calls have to wash a plumber because your pipes gunked.

3. Hold the coffee grounds from the sink.

Coffee grounds seem harmless, but actually just sits in the pipes and accumulate, clogging the lines. If a French press, probably used in a constant struggle with things. Use a fine mesh strainer to drain the last drop of coffee in the sink. "Spread around your garden ground as fertilizer" Then, proposes Sardone. "Or a container of ground coffee to absorb odors in the rear of the refrigerator." If you do not want to be above any treehugger, he just throw them away - but never in the sink or toilet.

4. Cleaning smoothie can be carried out in a cyclone.

The mixer can be cumbersome, but should not be based on post-cleaning beaten. Give it a quick rinse and fill it halfway with warm water and add a few drops of detergent. Place it on the base, turn it on and let 'er rip. Another and perhaps rinse all cleaning needs, but "occasionally, take something away and cleaned thoroughly," Sardone said.

5. stick pans require very little care.

Stick pans should be very easy to clean, "Sometimes you just have to use a paper towel to dry," said Sardone worst, You must meet him with a sponge. Soapy water.

But if oil is used in aerosol (a no-no giant!) Can you have your favorite stove noticed was totally tasteless and definitely not nonstick. Do not worry - the damage can be safely deleted! "Add a little water, sprinkle some Bar Keepers Friend, rub with a non-abrasive sponge and let it sit for a few minutes to sit for the cleaner for you to do some work," "Sardone he said. If there is a lot of accumulation you can repeatedly repeat. "

Buy: Bar Keepers Friend , $ 17 for 12 ounces

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