
Best Toy Organization Ideas - Clever Storage for Kids Toys - Women's Day

kids room with toys organized and stored away neatly

Katarzyna Bialasiewicz, Getty Images

Not only adults feel comfortable in a tidy room . Children also thrive in an orderly home. Of course, convincing them to take the initiative to put away their toys is a challenge. No matter how many trips you make to the container store for storage ideas or how many times you watch " Clean with me " videos on YouTube for inspiration , the influx of children's toys is moving from room to Space wanders remains a problem. You can step on LEGO bricks and you can threaten to throw away any lost toys, but the result is the same. You end up frustrated, the kids cry, and the toys get messy. A toy organization strategy is clearly needed.

It's a struggle for even the tidiest of parents, because maintaining a tidy home is all about routines and systems, and many of the cleaning solutions you offer may not be tailored to children's abilities, strengths, and inclinations. Not to mention that children's toys always seem to be made up of a billion parts. It's definitely a mystery as to where to put all of this. Whether it's toys leaking into the living room, a bedroom that looks like a tornado, or an underused playroom, these toy organization tips from the organization pros can help you solve the problem. Women's Day spoke to a professional organizer and decluttering expert to round up the best toy organizer tips, playroom storage ideas, and cleaning strategies for kids to keep them clean for the long haul .

drain overflow.

One of the most common reasons for a disorganized toy area is the number of play items that children have. Between holidays, birthdays , school achievement awards and parents just looking for a reason to decorate them with something glittery, the toy treasure trove is endless. However, if you don't constantly get rid of toys as new ones arrive, you're bound to feel overwhelmed when you're cleaning up. When children (and sometimes adults) become attached to certain toys, it can be difficult to get rid of them.

Start small by throwing away broken toys that have missing pieces and are no longer age appropriate, suggests Shannon Johnson, professional organizer and owner of Situate Your Space.

Cleaning brings clarity to the room and prepares it for a new system. After a good cleaning, it is important to evaluate the room and all the remaining contents. An assessment not only allows you to visualize the potential of your space, but it also helps set clear goals and boundaries once a new functional organizational system is in place, says Johnson.

Cleaning toys at least twice a year is also key to keeping them organized and under control. Make it effortless by keeping a labeled donation basket nearby to throw in oversized toys. It will be a lot easier when it's time to get them out of the house and donate.

Throw away the box.

You might think you're right if you've managed to keep the original toy boxes intact for a while, but they're probably part of the problem. According to Johnson, it's only a matter of time before original packaging becomes more complicated than it's worth.

"Toys often come in boxes, which offer a lot of extra space. They get worn and torn, and boxes don't fit well with organizational systems in general," he says. Instead, try storing toys and games in individually labeled bags, which take up less space.

Buy storage bags

Exit the toy box.

Having a large toy chest might seem like a good idea at first, but it's usually one of the biggest causes of clutter and clutter. When building systems, it's important to be mindful of different organizational styles, suggests Cas Aarssen, author, host of HGTV's Hot Mess House , and creator of Clutterbug .

According to Aarssen, there are four organizational styles that he describes as "chaotic": cricket, ladybug, butterfly and bee. If you follow the Clutterbug categories, most little kids are butterflies. That means they're really visual and need big, simple categories to organize and store them without a lid, he says.

"[Toy boxes] are too big a category for kids. When a child wants a toy in a toy box, they have to dig and pull to find what they are looking for. Individual open square containers are much easier to manage, allowing kids to find what they need without having to take everything out.

Buy a toy organizer with a bookshelf

Let your containers dictate how much you keep.

The advantage of individually sorted containers? You say how much of an item you can have!

Given that many toys are associated with the popular motto "collect 'em all," it can be difficult to get an idea of ​​how much you've accumulated before they start taking over rooms. It can be difficult to determine how much of a category you should keep.

"The secret is to make the container evil," says Aarssen. When the bin for a certain category is full, you know it's time to let go of what doesn't fit. The same applies to the shelves. Your shelf is a container with limits and you can only store what is reasonably comfortable for you. As with everything else in your home, if you can't find enough space for it, it's probably time to get rid of it.

Categorize and rotate toys.

Toy cars and fake groceries have a habit of spiraling out of control. The solution? Group similar items together.

Keep a container for cars and a container for clues. The same goes for kitchen toys. Limit it to a container for toys and kitchen utensils. Or you can keep separate toys and playthings in separate bins if shelf space allows, Aarssen suggests.

"Remember that too much of anything without proper organization can lead to sensory overload, inattention and impulsive play in your child," says Johnson. Setting up a toy rotation system is a great way to manage your space when you have a lot and will ensure your child is purposely kept busy. It may seem like only five puzzles can be accessed at a time by changing them weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Buy a clear toy organizer

Label everything.

Once you've played with the toys, it may not be easy to remember where each item goes when it's time to tidy it up.

Correct labeling of each category or container facilitates cleaning. Photo labels showing this bin's category make it easy to sort for children who can't read yet.

Shop photo labels

Create zones of light.

Making room for large toys is a challenge, especially when they're likely to be kept in a shared space. Johnson suggests keeping it simple by determining the wall space available to neatly line up baby carriers and other large toys.

"The magic is in setting the area as 'home' for these items while your little ones stay on board," she says. "If you want to take it a step further, you can put a sign on the wall identifying the area, or even create 'lanes' on the floor with tape. These techniques are great tools to help your child see where these things belong. "Objects.

Set the rules.

Honeydew Gift Game Room Rules Decor

Finally, once each misplaced toy has found its place, you need to ensure that cleanliness is maintained. Children tend to focus more on playtime than the grand order of tidying up. Since they probably don't understand that taking everything out at once can mean several rounds of the "clean up" song before it's all put away, it's up to you to set clear boundaries early in playtime. A simple way to do this is to limit the number of things that can be deleted at one time.

"Children can only play with two bins at a time, and they have to clean them before they have another bin to play with," says Aarssen. "Eventually, when storage becomes a habit for your child, you no longer need to limit the number of containers."

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