
Stay safe at home this winter: 10 home care tips for the cold months - CNET - ApparelGeek

snowy house in the mountains
Panaramka/Getty Images

Ready or not, winter is here. Depending on where you live, you may have experienced snowfall and freezing temperatures. In any case, there is no better time than the present to prepare for the cold season, especially as extreme weather conditions are becoming more common around the world.

Winterizing your home takes a little effort, but many of the best steps are easy and free. Use these home maintenance tips to create a winter home maintenance checklist so you can spend those cold days warm and cozy.

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Check for leaks and drafts

Leaks and drafts from cracks in walls, doors and windows can prevent adequate heating and drive up energy bills. If your energy supplier doesn't offer a home energy audit , do it yourself. Here are some ways to seal leaks and drafts:

  • Apply caulk, foam, or weatherstripping around serviceable doors and windows.
  • Use bubble wrap or a window insulation kit to seal windows you won't be using.
  • Add a storm door to reduce heat loss at the front entrance.
  • Install insulation in your attic to prevent heat loss from the ceiling.
  • Replace poorly insulated wooden doors with an Energy Star certified steel or fiberglass door.
  • Cover mail slots and cat flaps with insulation or thick towels to keep warm air in and cold air out.
  • Use blackout curtains on your windows, leaving them open during the day to let the sun in and closing them at night to keep the heat in.

Have your chimney checked

Before using your fireplace or wood stove for heating, have the chimney or flue inspected and cleaned by a professional. This step can prevent chimney fires, which are responsible for more than 20,000 home fires each year . A blocked chimney or flue can also increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning . Don't forget new batteries for your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

If you have a decorative or non-functioning fireplace, you could be losing valuable heat through the open fireplace. Investing in a chimney bell can prevent heat from escaping and cold winter air from entering. Just make sure you remove it if you want to make a fire later.

Have your oven checked

If you have a stove, just like a chimney, you should have it checked annually. If your stove isn't working properly, an early inspection can give you time to buy a new one before winter arrives. Also, remember to clean your air ducts or clean them yourself . Also, be sure to change your oven filters regularly to keep your oven running smoothly.

cover bare ground

Laminate, hardwood, and tile floors look great, but they can cause you to lose heat in winter. As part of your winter home maintenance checklist, consider adding throws or installing rugs on your bare floors to keep your feet warm and prevent heat loss.

ceiling fan

Ceiling fans not only cool in the warm months, but also help in the cold.

Sarah Tew/CNET

Inverted ceiling fan blades

If your home has ceiling fans, consider changing the rotation of the blades according to the season for best results. For most ceiling fans, the blades should rotate counter-clockwise during the warm months, pushing cool air down. In winter, turning the slats clockwise on the lowest setting can push the warm air in the room up against the ceiling to keep it warm.

Be prepared for winter storms

Keep an eye on the weather so you have plenty of time to prepare if a winter storm hits. Keep your home emergency kit and car ready at all times, and make sure your car maintenance is up to date with a full tank in case you need to go out.

If you don't have a portable generator at home, now might be the time to buy one. Generators can keep your home warm until the power company can get it running again.

Invest in an easy-to-read thermometer

For the seniors in your life, it's always a good idea to have a large, easy-to-read thermometer in a prime spot around the home. Older people may not feel temperature differences easily, which can lead to serious health problems, especially if they live alone. Having a thermometer and checking the temperature regularly can help them know when to pack up or if there might be a potential heat loss problem in the home.


Space heaters can help keep a particularly cold room warm, but make sure you use them safely.

Dale Smith/CNET

Release radiator

If you live in a house with radiator heating, creating space around your radiator can prevent large pieces of furniture from absorbing heat meant for your family. You can also prevent heat leakage from leaving your home through an outside wall by placing aluminum foil behind the radiator to reflect heat back into the room. A strategically placed floating shelf above the radiator can also prevent hot air from rising to the ceiling too quickly. Just make sure you don't put anything on the heater.

If your heating system can't keep up, consider investing in a space heater. Just make sure to use it safely to avoid fire.

Prepare for snow and rain

Cold weather can take a toll on your home, and you don't want to have to clean and repair after the winter. Instead, add some basic winter maintenance to your checklist and get them done long before the cold weather hits.

  • Insulate any exposed pipes in your attic and basement to keep them from bursting.
  • Make sure the sump pump is working properly and nothing is clogging the outside drain.
  • Properly insulate walls and ceilings to prevent condensation that can lead to mold growth.
  • Keep your gutters free of debris, ice, and snow that can sink gutters and damage your roof.
  • Close outdoor faucets and water pipes, clean and insulate water pipes to prevent water leaks in your garden.

Pay attention to the lower branches

Trees surrounding your home can seriously damage your home and even cause you to lose power. The weight of snow after a storm can cause branches to snap or the whole tree to fall on your home or power lines. Before it snows, have the tree's condition checked and remove dead branches or those that could cause serious damage if dropped.

Winterizing your home by completing the winter home maintenance checklist can help you stay warm, prevent damage from cold weather, and insulate your energy bills. Even when it's scorching hot inside, these tips for exercising outdoors can help you enjoy the cool weather when the weather is cold . When you're done, you can warm up before heading back to your campfire .

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