
9 tips to remove tree sap and bugs from your car and keep it clean this summer

Tree sap is highest in the summer and early fall and can be a car wash nightmare. Roofs, windshields, and hoods can accumulate with dirt stuck to resin when you park under a tree .

The sticky sap is also a magnet for a variety of insects and, if left for a while, can harden into a kind of super glue. In the summer months , after long journeys, cars are often left dirty by swarms of insects.

And that dirt and sap can damage a car's paintwork if not removed quickly. Specialty cleaners are available, but there are also a number of household cleaners that can also do the job.

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The trick is to act quickly, said LeaseCar.uk's Tim Alcock, who has compiled a list of tips and tricks. "Keeping dirt on your car for a long time can be a tough job as insect stains, tar and sap stick to the paintwork. But with the right cleaning solutions and quick reactions, you can easily get rid of your mess, the use of specialty products, or just generic household items," said Tim.

He added: "If you want to make life easier for yourself, you have to act quickly to prevent the fragments from hardening and damaging the bodywork."

How to clean your car from tree sap or insects

pressure washer or hose

First try how much dirt you can remove with just a little water pressure. This will also smooth out any remaining splatters, making them easier to remove in later steps.

Insect and tar remover

There are powerful formulas that quickly remove stubborn exterior stains without damaging the car's paintwork. Available in spray and aerosol forms, they are easy to apply and available at hardware stores at an affordable price.

Insect repellent sponge

A special cleaning sponge is another useful tool that can help you get rid of those sticky stains with ease. The sponge is made of abrasive cloth, but it does not leave scratches on the surface.

sodium bicarbonate

One of the easiest ways to remove embedded contaminants is to use baking soda mixed with water. It's a common alternative to car soap and works well as a mild abrasive.

dryer sheets

Dampen a dryer sheet with warm water and use it to clean the car. Be sure to wash your car thoroughly after using this method to ensure the chemicals in the wash don't damage the car's exterior.

window cleaner

Although regular household glass cleaner is too harsh to use on car paint, it is a good solution for cleaning your windshield. Just mix it with some soap, spray on the bugs and sap, leave for a while, then wipe off with a damp towel.

vinegar solution

Vinegar is another good option for cleaning your windshield, as its slightly acidic formula is good for removing all types of residue from glass surfaces.

oily substances

Simple household oils like baby oil, lamp oil, and cooking oil can also do the job effectively. Apply one of the oils to a soft cloth, rub over the stained areas in a circular motion, and then rinse the car.

Wax your car

To prevent your car from being covered in spatter and stains in the future, apply wax to the paintwork. This not only gives your car a shiny look, but also creates a barrier that protects the vehicle body from contaminants such as insects and tree sap.

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