
How to clean your phone without damaging it and 5 products you should never use

Our phones are always with us wherever we go. Whether we're curled up in bed, sitting on the toilet, riding public transport, or going out at night, our smartphones never leave us.

However, this means that our phones collect all the bacteria and germs that can reside in all these places that settle on the surface of our phone.

Before Covid-19 , cleaning and disinfecting our belongings, including our phones, might not have been very important.

But since the pandemic, health experts have suggested cleaning our phones at least once a day.

But before you quickly clean your phone with a damp cloth, here's what you should know to clean it without damaging it.

How do I clean my phone?

young woman with smartphone
It's important to properly clean your phone as improper handling can cause damage

Ideally, you should try to clean your phone at least once a day by following the cleaning instructions in your phone's manual.

It's important to clean your phone properly, as improper cleaning (using tools like alcohol and paper towels) can damage the coating that protects your phone and can lead to damage.

If you clean it properly, not only will your phone be free from germs and dirt, but it will also last longer.

What can you use to clean your phone?

Man talking on the phone in the bathroom
Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe away fingerprints

When cleaning your phone, Apple recommends using wipes with 70% isopropyl alcohol, 75% ethyl alcohol, or Clorox disinfecting wipes.

The best type of cloth for cleaning your phone is a soft, lint-free cloth dipped in warm, soapy water to slightly dampen it. A lens cloth or microfiber cloth is a good option.

Regularly cleaning the phone with a damp microfiber cloth helps remove fingerprints from the phone screen and the method is also useful for cleaning the back and sides of the phone.

You can also use a microfiber screen cleaning sticker that you stick on the back of your phone and then remove when you need to clean it.

When it comes to removing lint and grit from your phone's small ports, a nifty trick is to use duct tape.

Apply the tape along the folds and the speaker to remove the dirt between the screen and the body of the phone. For the ports, gently roll it up and place inside. The adhesion of the tape will remove any lint or sand in these areas.

For small speaker holes that cannot be reached with tape, use a toothpick to gently remove dust.

What products should you avoid when cleaning your phone?

Do not use bleach or hydrogen peroxide products to clean your phone as they will damage it.

Although you can touch your phone after using the hand sanitizer, please do not use the liquid to clean the phone as the alcohol content is too strong.

Other products such as glass cleaner and vinegar should be avoided at all costs as they can destroy the phone's protective coating.

Of course it goes without saying, but do not immerse your phone in any liquid, be it water or cleaning liquid, even if the phone is marketed as waterproof.

Never use a paper towel to clean it, even if you really need to clean your phone.

Paper towels may seem harmless, but when they come in contact with dirt like grains of sand that are already on the phone's surface, they can scratch it.

Finally, remember to unplug all cables and turn off your phone before beginning the cleaning process.

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