
These are the three most important questions you clean your closet

More revive an espresso shot on a Monday morning? Better than a dip in a cool lake on a hot summer day? More life-affirming wakes up after a night without drinking a hangover? Spring cleaning. More specifically, in the time to declutter your wardrobe - dress.

I'm serious.

There is something through all his earthly possessions, they do what they do not need those who do, and re-organize your life in a way that makes your daily life more transparent. There may be a sense of control is like nothing else you. If you're like me, then you are really looking forward to the re-evaluation , which in is a term , to bring the spring.

But spring cleaning is not always a walk in the park. Can be difficult to decide what to keep and what to discard / donation / sale.

Fortunately, we have some important tips for you before your deep cleaning. While there are many places are in that time (such as under the bed and in the bathroom bathroom drawers / cabinets) to provide, we will focus on the big Kahuna: the locker room.

Ready to dive?

First, try all the clothes out of the closet and group them to take by category. It is much easier to decide which of the many cardigans should stay in the locker room and who should go when you see them side by side in a large pile of old. Try to set the intention before you clean the locker room. It is - what you want to delete some items to the press ahead space ? Maybe you want to give someone the opportunity to love an item you've done it once? Or maybe you want only things you need not get rid of?

Once you have everything prepared and expressed his intentions there to ask three important questions about the frequency, memories and style.

I have one - Born in the last year?

Think seasonal. Ask yourself where and when you use it. Why he did not bring it? Do you feel uncomfortable? Is it uncomfortable? Too large? Too small? See you wear honest next month?

If you insist, because it is probably worth it but not to sell a few $$$ the right season (for example, there is a layer of fantasy, but it is currently summer) to keep the season where people will shop start for these species. Then sell, sell, sell!

2 - t - the sentimental value is positive?

I understand: it can be hard going, let's carry this fantasy rock when you reach 21 years, but never use it because his style developed. (I speak from personal experience can -.) But really, unless it is, say, your dress, I think - you really need to get excited?

3 This - the timeless?

Maybe you do not use much but was and is an investment. Audrey Hepburn as a breakfast-- - the kind of classic Tiffany. The gender of your future or current classic girl would be so angry with you not to transfer its time for leadership. (I'm looking at you, Mom! We wore in the 90s this Levis want!)

Or you can - be is classic, but you are short of money and not feel like you really need more.

There are so many ways used items to sell from the time - as Depop, Poshmark and ThredUp. ThredUp gave advice us if you some money clothes are seriously interested in making / accessories that you no longer want.

The # 1 reason sweaters are not accepted by most resale shops because they are fluffy. to clean the best way? gently shaved with a razor. In addition, each scanner Excess front of the element and the back of a pick-up fluff dust, lint or hair. Always make sure that it is clean. If items have small stains, marks or stains, take a stick tide. Steam iron or folds or wrinkles, and the absence of a key or a tear or two, use your hand a little love to give, will make the difference.

We hope these tips will help you clean your way something like this feeling:

Good spring cleaning, beauties!

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