
ADHD will travel: 10 vacation tips for the forgotten and stressed out (like me)

Holiday is a relaxing holiday, right? Not if you have ADHD then the vacation time is like a chicken with your fall time. It's time for stress It's time to forget. And it's just before you leave

Once you reach your goal, you will be plagued with guilt and remorse while running to the store to spend more and buy more things I should not forget. Or feeling out of place when the whole family is out for a nice dinner and you have packed no more than a t-shirt. Or if you realize that you remember everything except the phone charger and that you are on an island and that you do not sell your phone's charger anywhere.

You need help

Luckily, after a decade of coordinating my in-laws at least three times a year and attending the annual beach vacation in my family home and elsewhere, I fell into a science. These are some holiday tips to make your trip less stressful and messy.

1. Make the necessary appointments one month to two weeks in advance. Write the appointment in your calendar with the appropriate phone numbers and then do it. These appointments include animal locks, dog kennels or spas, child care, post office, surfer mines and special tours. You do not need those last-minute designs.

[Holiday should be fun, right? ]

2. Start cleaning early. Go home to a messy house? Ick. Or, if you are like us, you need to cleanse for the babysitter. It's a lot of work if you have ADHD, you tend to mess up and ruin, and you tend to "do it tomorrow." Split the tasks of your house in days and do it in that order and write it down if you wish. Mandatory. It is also a time when it is advisable to splurge on this cleaning service.

3. Decipher the medical situation. Pharmacies will not meet the stimulus requirements at all levels of government. it is illegal Your insurance company may also refuse to take the label of your medication if it is completed before a certain date; At the same time, it is often impossible to complete your recipe on a particular date. Destroy everything with the pharmacist, your doctor and the insurance company. Explain that you go on vacation. See what can be done. I usually end up taking an emergency medication; I have a Vyvanse supplement in Mydayis when I run in the middle of the journey.

4. Divide everything into categories. You need many things to work. You can not just sit down and make a list; You must create and complete categories. Start with the electronics as this is the easiest way to spoil your vacation and do not forget to list the chargers and cables separately. You might just want to list "up" or "face things" or "shower things" because he knows so intimately it, but be sure to do a thorough analysis of those areas. Often I forgot my nail polish or razor in this way. Dear Hay, write. Everything down

5. Decide what you will use. Base your wardrobe options on the options you expect, be it a washer and dryer that is more convenient, and so on.

How many sets do you need and which type? Now fix the sets. Not the clothes, the suits, whole and complete. These are clothes that fit together, so do not forget things. Count the underwear. Now put the clothes in your suitcase as sets; They stay together throughout their journey. When I pack for another person, also called children, I pack rubber suits. I only own rubber balls for this purpose. The packaging by the team also has the advantage that you are not too wrapped, a feature of ADHD: We need options!

[ Free download: main packlist for adults with ADHD ]

6. Do not forget your shoes. No, I'm not kidding. Choose a few couples that go with everything. Some

7. Go to toiletries. I can always put mine in a big bag of Aldi, and I'm addicted to make-up. I measure it to fly. For vacation driving, reduce it to one or two aspects that are packaged and left for a day or two (this way, no stir in the morning, a recipe for disaster). I check my hair care products and put them in the corner of the dresser a few days before. I empty my shower, I rate each item to see if I need it, then I stack everything in the corner. I will continue to return things in the stack until it's time to pack them. Remember the TSA Rule for Liquids and do not put anything in your carry-on baggage that does not respect it. You may need to pack most of your toiletries, except make-up and toothpaste, and I hope this happens.

8. The day before, place your medication and save it. Prepare your medication at night if you take it and your medication the next day for the next day. Keep everything else in a separate bag and store it in your bag when you carry your carry-on baggage when you fly. Do not fly without taking your medication in the original containers. He does not want to find out that the airline has lost his luggage and that he is without medication for several days.

9. Pack things in the morning that you have not been able to pack until now. You should make a list of these things in advance. It will contain things like loader, ropes, shampoo, makeup, etc. Seriously: make a list. Cross the items on the list as you go. The hustle and bustle of leaving home when your brain has ADHD overtime is more inclined to forget things like whole bags, which I've done before.

10. You forgot something. It's just a question of what. Seriously On this last trip, we forgot my son's famous "Paw Patrol Stuffie" and had to race late at night to buy a $ 6.99 pirate hat suitcase. , We forgot all the table games that we swore, which cost us a lot at Barnes & Noble. Apart from this? My husband's shampoo was the only soldier left behind. It was the reason for a great party.

Holidays should not cause heart strain. Just make lists. Make lists as obsessive, Martha Stewart, and mark them. Get help, if you need help with cleaning it is not worth thinking about. Be sure to find your medication and remember to remember the phone charger and toothbrush. Because in the end you can live almost everything else.

Ask me how I know it

[ How to enjoy a holiday if you have ADHD ]

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