
Tips to prevent fires rise as summer temperatures

Knoxville - Office of the State Fire Marshal is working to help residents of Tennessee, protect themselves, their families and their property in the hottest months of the year.

Fire Safety Tips Summer (MODS)

Around the house

• Follow the manufacturer's instructions regularly clean or replace the filters in the air conditioning. If you have a window air conditioner, set the electrical lines for cracks or damage.

• Remove waste are leaves and carports and garages as combustible substances dangerous when heated to the elements equipment for car care or lawn are exposed, especially on the underside of the mower or carrier.

• Never refuel the machine while it is still hot.

• Always leave lawn mowers and other cool before gasoline equipment store inside.

• Check check the gas tank for leaks. Never in gas, even in small quantities. Store gas tank depending on detached garage or shed outside.

• Only use gasoline as a fuel, not as a cleaning agent.

• The flaps were used to drive carefully leaks of flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, to clean up, paint thinner, oil paints, varnishes and lacquers can cause a fire. Never clean rags in a pile. must be removed to dry, then hermetically filled with water and cleaning solution in a dry cloth covered metal containers placed to decompose oils.

• citronella candles and torches should remain out of the reach of children and away from flammable materials such as eaves or branch. They ensure the flames are completely extinguished before leaving the area or retiring.

• When cooking, put the grill away from siding, railings, eaves and overhanging branches. Never let a barbecue.

Always • bans eighth burns and check the local authorities and the State, the rules of fire in outdoor .

Ensure that the house equipped with smoke detectors and carbon monoxide • Set in the bedrooms and at all levels of the house.

• Practice an escape plan with all including two ways out of every room and a meeting was appointed.


• Choose a holiday apartment or a hotel that is equipped with two smoke detectors and sprinkler systems.

• If you go on a trip, turn or unnecessary appliances and fixtures draw at home before leaving.

• Never throw lit cigarettes in a car because they ignite the potential have dry vegetation and other combustible materials.

• Build a campfire at least 15 meters from the walls of tents, shrubs or other burning materials. Let without setting the fire in camping.

• Make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide in cottages, caravans and mobile homes installed.

• To avoid injury, you should make a public fireworks participation rather than your own. Children should not handle or light fireworks, including sparklers.

• To avoid the risk of drowning electrocution , make sure that children and families not swim to understand the importance of where there may be current, such as ports and shipyards.

For more information on fire safety download, and the state fire Print safety checklist in case of a fire. Tennessee residents can request a smoke detector visiting www.tn.gov/fire.

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