
Useful tips for winter Textile Care

The winter cold has well and truly established itself in our little corner of the world, and all this means different things to people in different regions of Australia (1 per day 20C Queensland seen winter frost?), You are sure to have made of wool winter to insulate against the cold.

There are some things to distinguish the winter clothes for summer clothes. First Winter clothing is more expensive in general, if you want a good jumper, jacket or vest really that will last several seasons. Second, the tissues that are made of different care needs, are lightweight, cotton and linen fabrics spring and summer is very simple and ironing required.

More: Five tips to avoid the cold winter

So if you want to keep your winter wardrobe and keep your eyes open and feel better, do the following tips on how to make sure that they care.

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Wool coats, sweaters, trousers and skirts /

Wool is to keep one of the best materials warm, but has to stay fit some additional requirements.

1. to remove surface dirt and oils with a lint roller after each use.

2. Coats are stuck on a hanger when not in use. Do not be tempted to hang on hooks on the label, as this can stretch the areas of the neck and shoulders out of shape.

3. For stains, pour some soda water on the stain and blot (do not rub!) With a cloth or paper towel.

4. Articles wool hand wash with warm water and mild detergent (particularly wool). Squeeze excess water gently and dry flat.

5. pants hanging, and woollens to allow skirts other daily wrinkles, of course, contributes.

6. Get Coats want dry cleaned at the beginning and end of each season.


Cashmere is very soft, luxurious and carry delicate matter, and it is too expensive! Follow these tips to ensure that you can use again next winter.

1. Wash cashmere sparingly (only about twice a season if possible), and does it with cold water or a wool wash or gentle baby shampoo.

2. Take to dry a package (to avoid stretches) and dried, a salad spinner, or flat press towels.

3. late winter storage to avoid moths before cleaning Kashmir. Keep them in tissue paper, no dry cleaning bags.

Low and jackets

Down jackets are very "in" this winter, and it is important to take care of them to avoid the process of taking lumps.

1. Wash jackets and vests in a front-loading washing machine, in permanent press cycle. Avoid using too much detergent because it may accumulate at the bottom.

2. Stop the center washer and let it soak for an hour if your jacket or vest is too dirty.

3. Start an extra rinse cycle to ensure not remove any detergent.

4. Dry steamed with a few tennis balls to break up the clods. No matter how long it takes, not seduce turn up the heat.

You are looking for more tips to care for your clothes still have?


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