
A British mother criticized cleaning staff for using toiletries as a tip after going on vacation in Benidorm

HOLIDAYMAKER sparked a furious debate after being convicted of "devaluing" bottles of medium-quality toiletries in recognition of the hotel's cleaning staff.

British mother Lizzie Hanbury sent a photo of her gift on a Facebook page dedicated to the famous Spanish seaside resort of Benidorm.

Lizzie was criticized after sending a photo of her gift to housewives.
Lizzie was criticized after sending a photo of her gift to housewives.

He also considered writing a handwritten note in Spanish, thanking the cleaning staff for their efforts to keep their room spotless.

The gifts included a pair of unwanted sunglasses, baby oil, Radox shower gel, Alberto balm shampoo, body spray and mesh shower stool.

He also said that he left toys and sweets behind.

Lizzie wrote, "Ready for the cleaning staff tomorrow, including toys and sweets, when kids fly home in the morning."

But she was surprised by the avalanche of abuse she suffered for her actions.

Almost 200 people have commented on this article about Benidorm. Seriously, before the directors closed the debate over violence against Lizzie.

Louise Wagstaff told the cleaning vehicle a picture of the transport she was leaving.
Louise Wagstaff told the cleaning vehicle a picture of the transport she was leaving.

One person said, "I think the cleaners would appreciate a small tip instead of the rest of the toiletries."

Another added, "It seems very rude to me, people leave me toiletries, it's certainly not a gift or a present, it's the leftovers you do not want to take home, God knows what someone did."

An aggressive pickpocket attacks innocent men running in the Benidorm Strip while police warn British tourists to stay alert.

Louise Wagstaff shared a brief thank-you note with a silver saucer and unwanted alcohol bottles.

Ian said of Lizzie's remains: "Employees work hard for very low wages instead of offending them with all the shit you throw away anyway, do the right thing and leave a decent tip (at least 1 euro per day).

"Do you spend thousands of dollars on a holiday in Benidorm, but you can not leave a decent tip?

"Warn employees correctly instead of offending them with their leftovers!"

The last word was addressed to Administrator Tracy, who wrote, "Incredibly, someone is doing something good to change and be mistreated.

"After closing, respect your colleagues, everyone has a right to disagreement, but think carefully about how that opinion is expressed in the written text, read it again before clicking ok x.

"This issue has already been discussed and is currently no longer allowed in the band."

How many advices are always a hot topic, with another label around the world.

Earlier this year, a former housekeeper reported that hotel guests had advised at least £ 7.50 a day for maintenance personnel.

He also suggested that guests should help pick up the towels.

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Orlando Soria wants to help you clarify the responsibility - New Day Northwest

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These tips can help you have fun in spring cleaning and preserving the environment. Sponsored by Value Village. Posted at: 11:53 am ...

I have tried the Swedish death cleansing, the extreme extraction method, the anti-Kondo method and ...

  • " The gentle art of the Swedish Purge of Death : How to liberate yourself and your family, a jumble of life" - a book written by Margaret Magnusson's original Swedish book - shares with the world the Swedish practice of doping - cleansing the death.
  • The Swedish cleaning is in a sense the anti Konmari- method . While Marie Kondo's cleaning method focuses on keeping things that will make you happy at the time , the purpose of this cleaning method is to keep only the things your friends and family members want when you're dead.
  • I tried this extreme cleaning method and looked into boxes and boxes where I threw my things to "treat them later", cleaning tons of cupboards and drawers, and giving away some of my stuff. ,
  • For the 23-year-old, whose belongings were shared between my New York home and my parents' home in Westchester, New York, it was a difficult task for me.
  • I also found the cleanliness of death in Sweden at my age, as I still have no children or grandchildren. This is an important part of the whole process and an important part of my decision to follow certain assets.
  • Although it is a practice that Magnusson herself writes, it will take a long time. It's just the beginning of my process that made me think about my business in a different way.
  • Visit the INSIDER homepage for more articles.

The concept of Swedish death-cleaning is nothing new, but recently Margareta Magnusson, a woman between 80 and 100 years old in Sweden, has made her popular, she says.

Source: Ediciones Versilio Canal Youtube , " The Sweet Art of the Swedish Purge of Death "

Magnusson wrote a book published in 2018 describing the Swedish practice of doping. Divide the term for those who do not speak Swedish: dö means death and städning means cleanliness.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

The concept is limited to preparing all our belongings for our own death and answering the question: "What happens to our business when we are dead?" Magnusson's book describes how he approaches Death Cleanup and gives tips on how to do it as effectively as possible.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

She wrote that the process will not be fast, and it certainly will not be easy, but it will make life easier for anyone who studies all of our things after we die. I know, a kind of morbidity, but also a kind of genius. "Take your time and move at a pace that's right for you," he wrote.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

She also gives a very seductive advice in her book: Think about it, we've all hidden this box deep in our cabinets or somewhere. If we do not want someone to find him during his lifetime, we do not want to be dragged out, so someone will find him when we're dead.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I am someone who keeps everything, thanks to the gifts I will never use, except for the labels that I remove from my new clothes. When they asked me if I wanted to try this method of disruption, I knew that I had a lot to do.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I started reading Magnusson's book from beginning to end. I took notes on topics that I found useful, things that I thought were particularly easy or difficult, and things that I had to do differently, because unlike Magnusson, I'm not nearly a century from Earth. - I am 24 years old.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Magnusson suggests starting "sooner than later". That's because this can not be achieved on a rainy afternoon or possibly a week.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

If you clean a whole house, she suggests starting with the basement, attic or storage room around the entrance. She said that these places often have things that we do not even remember, and that she is not mistaken.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Since I live in an apartment with two roommates, most of my "excesses", as Magnusson calls them, live with my parents. So I got into the Metro North and drove to the suburbs.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

When I moved to my apartment, I spent a lot of time getting rid of things that I no longer needed from my parents. But I have not done such a good job between you and me. Mostly only baskets, baskets and boxes were packed in containers, baskets and drawers - mostly out of sight. It was time to tackle less organized chaos.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

The next tip from Magnusson is probably the reason why I always need an endless suppressor and for which I've never achieved a condition without interference: he specifically warns against starting photos and letters.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

His reasoning is that it is easy to settle in memory. Photos are fun and emotional things to deal with. Every time I start with memories, I can not cleanse anything else. This time, I've done everything I can to stay away from albums and mailboxes.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Another thing Magnusson mentions is the practice of giving things to family and friends when looking for his belongings. Offer something to a friend or family member: If they do not want it now, they do not want it when they're dead. So throw it away!

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

It was against this background that I started with places in my room that I knew had everything neat. I do not think I opened my old bedside table for more than two years so everything could disappear.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I opened it and found two bags, some plastic folders, a coloring book and the latest iPhone case.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I threw the contents of the bags on my bed and found many old nail polishes, an old telephone that my father needed for me as a decoy abroad, colorful hair clips that I had bought for a spiritual day in the camp. Eight years ago and a case for the iPhone 5, I currently own an iPhone 8 Plus.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Most of the paint I found was unusable ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... and this dead cell phone is not necessary.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I split my loot into two piles: a stack of disposables and a pile of things that I would keep for myself or someone. I thought I would only put something in a "dungeon" stack if I knew exactly who I would give it to.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I have kept this practice in the rest of my business, keeping only what I really wanted to use, or something that I knew someone else wanted. I did an art class at the university and bought a sketchbook. My mother is an artist, so I gladly took the extra drawing paper out of my hands. Success!

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

On the pages of the sketchbook were old art projects he had made for the class. I've kept her, look at her! I think that's one of my best jobs.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

But I understand, they are not Picasso. Nobody will want to stick to them except me. So I looked again at my masterpieces and put them carefully in the trash.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I continued with the papers found in shirts that contained all the old lifeguards certifications ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... It was great in the notes I took while listening to Randi Zuckerberg at Internet Week 2013 in New York, but at that time everything was 100% impossible.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I also happened to find a cloth in one of the pockets of the shirt. I just wanted to throw it away when I noticed the pattern: a floral pattern inspired by Hawaii. I thought about what Magnussun had written about finding a new home, and I remembered how much my roommate loved that impression, and she sews it, so she's always looking for a new fabric. I called her and she gladly took it from my hands.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Back in Manhattan, I also tried to attack the room in my apartment. Something that is very difficult for some: cough, cough, I have to start. There always seems to be a lot of things and I can not break everything. Magnusson recommends classifying documents into categories.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

She also suggested starting with the clothing category. Magnusson wrote: "Life becomes more comfortable and comfortable when we get rid of the abundance." I have learned this truth, but it is much easier to say what I should do.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Growing up, I wore a uniform every day for eight weeks in the summer. Thinking about an outfit was not something I had to deal with everyday and make the morning easier. I just had to pick one color. There was no "surplus".

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Now I look at my wardrobe and the options overwhelm me. But I like fashion. I like having so many different things to adapt to all the environments, aesthetics, decades, and icons that I want to channel every day.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Magnusson wrote that we should all take off our clothes and divide them into two piles: the first pile is for the clothes you want to keep; Two stack is for the clothes you want to get rid of.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I feel a bit overwhelmed, so I knew I would not fly. Instead, I made drawer stacks per drawer. I thought it worked pretty well for me because I did not want to get rid of a few things in general, and I felt like I would not get rid of it so much.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Every few months, my family donates a variety of clothes and shoes. When I moved into my apartment about eight months ago, I donated everything that I knew I did not use anymore. But I also put a lot into the loft and the basement of my parents: The bag we see here is full of things I have not used for years and which I only have to give.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Of course I want to keep all my favorite clothes so that my hypothetical daughter can use them someday. Since the keyword is "hypothetical," I can not ask you which of my things you want, as Magnusson suggests.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

But that brings me to an important discovery of Death Cleaning in Sweden: if you do that at 23, you will not lose as much as you, maybe at 80. This is because the people you want to communicate do not exist yet.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Much of my wardrobe is now from the clothes my mother kept when she was growing up. Working in fashion, she has acquired many unique pieces and fortunately for me all keep. I can safely say that about 75% of the clothes that accompany me are at least 30 years old and found on those shelves in my basement.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Meanwhile, I will continue to keep the parts that I believe will last. But there are things that I can better get rid of, like all the usual clothes that do not suit me. I have jeans in the waist that cover a selection of 6 sizes. I hold those who do not go because they can go one day. But I did not integrate properly into some of them for many years, so it's time to break up. I got rid of three couples!

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Madewell, a denim company, offers buyers $ 20 off the next Madewell jeans for any older pair of jeans offered in the Blue Jeans Go Green ™ jeans recycling program. I have used this reduction in the past and thought it would be a good time to repeat it.

Source: Madewell ,
" The Sweet Art of Swedish Death "

I bring this pile of jeans to the store and when I need a new pair, I have the old people pay to buy it.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Magnusson stresses that it's not about having lots of clothes; It's more what you can do with the clothes you have. This philosophy should ideally result in a naked wardrobe. But in the era of Leandra Medine's deterrence of men and the stimulation of personal style, I could walk with any seemingly ridiculous combination of my clothes, and someone would think he looks very good.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

In addition to the Swedish cleaning I add another level of organization for my clothes: the coordination of colors. I've organized my closet that way before, and honestly, I really like it. I also released some things that way. If I go further into the blue area and have a certain shirt, it's probably time that this shirt disappears.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

If you can get rid of many things, Sweden has a lot to learn about cleansing the dead. I have learned what my personal weaknesses are when it comes to creating chaos, and with what things I have built a personal connection over time, whether I collect these objects or leave them. just stack

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

A section of the book entitled "Collections, Collectors, and Accumulators" really looks at this aspect of the accumulation of goods. Magnusson writes that there are important differences between the collection of objects collected in our homes, the active and intentional collection of items such as coins or stamps, and the perceived compulsion to receive items regardless of their value.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

As I grew up, I saw that my older brothers were deliberately building collections of things. A collector of movie tickets, put them in a wallet and everything, and the other collector of golf balls had a whole installation dedicated to them. They also had a small collection of glasses, so I thought when I was in high school, I thought I should join. I would buy shot glasses at airports and souvenir shops. But they did not mean anything to me, that's why I threw them a few months ago.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I tried to collect a lot of things, but I wanted to * compile * something, not necessarily the theme of the collection. But then I found inspiration in other places.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

My mother collected these Limited Edition tote bags at Bloomingdale, which were designed for events they would celebrate while working for the company. That collection meant something to her then, and I love to see her now. My first university internship was my first foray into the world of fashion and writing. I created my own collection.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I have a lot of backups from Harper's BAZAAR magazine. I took some with me because I liked the blanket or an article in it. Others have a memory: the first number I helped with, a photo session I visited, or a gift from one of the editors.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I have batteries and piles of old magazines in my closet. Most come from the bazaar, some have my own published writings and others are just magazines that I wanted to write someday. I decided to check them and remove those that mean nothing to me.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I started with the Magnusson pile method. I made three piles: keep going because I love them, keep doing that because I write and throw.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

In the end, I only got rid of a handful of magazines that I simply could not separate. The number on the left is the number of my favorite magazine of all time.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

From magazines I switched to other small baskets and garbage baskets. I threw old notes of the course ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... Course registration courses ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... big plastic bags and sealable, in which I kept my shoes ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... and the vitamin sacs and Advil that I kept in every corner of every bag, because you never know when you'll need it!

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Another challenge I encountered on my journey was that I had hidden small notes and letters in those areas. It's not like everyone is in a shoe box in the back of my closet. After all, organizing is one of the reasons why it is important to clarify.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

So making a backup of your notes and photos for the end was not so easy as it seems, but the good thing is that I've made quick decisions about what I've found. Everything I've saved from a grandfather or a member of my family, everything I've read for the last time, I appreciated it for what it was, then threw it away. like Magnussun, before she throws papers in the shredder.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

When browsing my mailboxes ...

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

... and all my photo albums will take a long time. But as I look through them, I'll look at the cleaning practices to death and look at the pictures my family would like to see and the ones I probably do not want.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Magnusson also has a complete section in the books. She writes that we should only keep books that we have not read or intend to read. Everything else can be given or given. But my approach to books is a bit different.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

I like what some of them look like and what memories they have. When I moved into my apartment, I looked through all the books on my bookshelf, most of which were children's books, and I let them go. But I have kept something for the memories and the inspiration.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

In the end, I let go of three jeans, six magazines, a collection of pointless shot glasses, all the schoolwork and shopping notes no one should have, and I cut my make-up container in half.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

What I liked best about this method is Magnussun's concept of a "jet box": a box with verbatim content that makes sense for her, but that she wants to discard from her relatives. Do not even bother. over after his death. At the moment I have a lot of things to do in a box, but I will definitely keep this idea.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

Without knowing it then, I also became a victim of the cleansing of death during my childhood, even though my family is not Swedish and we do not call them "purity of death". It's more like my grandparents want to download their material about us so they can see how we like it, and let's face it, make room in their homes. Although the gifts are sometimes arbitrary, sometimes they are very important, like this recipe book that my grandmother just gave me.

Source: " To cleanse the sweet art of death in Sweden "

While this whole Swedish cleaning process certainly requires a deep breath (or seven) and a glass of wine, I do not hate the experience as usual when my mother asks me to get rid of certain things. After all, Magnusson has a point: "Do not pick up things you do not want," he writes. "Someone has to deal with it sometime."

Source: Ediciones Versilio Youtube Channel ,
" The Sweet Art of Swedish Death "

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Some important tips for clogging a clogged drain

Some crucial tips for unclogging a blocked drain
Source: AndreyPopov, BS

Outflows may be the last thing we think about cleaning the house. They only really make their presence public when they stop working. If you notice that the water is flowing longer, or if there is a smell in your bathroom or in your kitchen, these are all signs of a clogged river.

When the water has come to a complete stop, try the following plumber-approved tips to help you restore your pipes.

Prevent constipation

Before we go into the unlocking phase, we should see how you can keep your operations in good working order in the near future:

  1. It is always a good rule to know what your needs are not. Try to reduce the amount of washed hair in the bathroom. Avoid liquid fats or wheat and rice products in kitchens.
  2. Drain the sensors of the solution to avoid solids or large strands of hair. Of course, they can be a bit difficult to clean, but the piston is easier to remove.
  3. Add a chemical cleaner every month and rinse the pipes. Remember to use safety equipment such as gloves and goggles when using chlorine, and never mix chemicals!
  4. Another solution is to clean the chemicals by passing the boiling water into the sewer once a month.

This is an important piece of information that all owners need to know about drainage systems and improvements to the home environment .

Dispose of the drainage methods.

The snake method.

There are many low-cost tools to clean your processes. First, there is the barbed plastic tool. The long-haired plastic material removes hair and other obstructions near the drain.

For a thorough cleaning, you might want to make or buy a wire snake.

These tools are flexible and go further; However, be careful not to push the slime further into your pipes. By straightening a layer of wire you can overcome the drainage cover and remove hair and other blockages. Alternatively, you can buy a plumber's snake from your local bunnings.

The method of the diver

We all know that a piston is a tool of choice for all locks, but if you ask why, read on.

The penetrating movement creates air currents that serve to remove hair or food stuck in the pipes. It is important to ensure that your piston is perfectly set around the drain and that all other entry points are completely covered.

If something is left open, the pipes are clogged by the compressed air.

An alternative, however, that resembles the dipping method, is the use of a dry / wet vacuum in your drain. Put the nozzle in the sink and switch the fan mode on / off to clear the obstacles. Do not leave it working as this can damage the vacuum cleaner and the hoses.

The chemical method

If these two other methods did not work, it may be time to use old and good caustic soda.

The caustic soda helps to eliminate blockages in the pipes.

Avoid repeated use as the tubes will be damaged by prolonged contact with these chemicals. As mentioned above; You must be very careful when using chemicals at home. Please read and follow these instructions:

  • It's a complete protective gear that includes goggles, gloves and a face mask.
  • Work in a ventilated place.
  • NEVER mix your chemicals, including other cleaners and drain cleaners
  • Do not use a plunger after inserting the drain cleaner, as splashes on the backside may cause burns.

You can buy these cleaners in liquid or crystalline form. After draining into the drain, they should sit for the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Do not use these areas during this time.

The home method

If you are looking for a drain cleaner that can be easily used for whistling, you should try this homemade blend . It is equal parts baking soda and vinegar. Usually half a cup right in your drain. Make sure that the drain is covered to make the mixture magical. Likewise, it takes time for chemical cleaners. We recommend a few hours before rinsing with hot, clean water.

For stubborn and strong blocked drains emergency plumbers should call be . We do not know how complex the problem can be without being evaluated by a specialist. It is best to give a plumber all the methods you have already tried.

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Exclusive Online Consumer Reports: Clean your windows like a pro

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Vacuum the residue and then clean the frame with a sponge soaked in warm water and some detergent. Extra tip: keep your windows and glass ...

This is the perfect time for the digital spring cleaning.

ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - Warm, sunny weather is finally here, and your seasonal duties probably include spring cleaning . It is important to eliminate your clutter to protect valuable information.


While you're keeping your home or office, it's important to take a minute to clean your phone and computer.

Now that the tax season is finally over, it's the right time for a digital spring cleaning to protect your personal information online.

Here are some tips for starting:

• Delete or archive old files and obsolete financial reports.
• Copy important data to a safe place, such as On a personal hard drive.
• Edit and update the passwords of email addresses, bank accounts, and social networks.
• Block your connection at home and at work.
• Permanently delete all old files.
• Clean up your previous e-mail and empty the deleted folders.
• Secure your router.
• Clean your presence on social networks.

Copyright 2019 CAL. All rights reserved.

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Spring cleaning for your finances.

By Jillian Sarmo, Training Coordinator for Investors and Public Relations

Every year, when the snow disappears and the grass turns green, most people feel the familiar itching when they "clean their house" in the spring. "Spring cleaning" is a term originally intended for the removal of soot and dirt that accumulates in the household. Years ago, the fireplace was the main source of heat for a house in winter. The warmer weather offered the opportunity to let in the fresh air, and the longer days made people more active. Although the modern technologies and lifestyles we are wearing today do not need to be thoroughly cleaned every spring, we can use the weather to remind ourselves that we also need to keep our finances up to date. Here are some tips that I, with the help of my counterpart, have received from the State Department of the State of Indiana on how to update and revitalize your finances this spring.

Jillian Sarmo

Jillian Sarmo

1. Check your credit report
If you did not do this at the beginning of the year, it is a good time to use the free credit report for one year. Regular credit checks protect you against identity theft and help you to maintain a good credit rating. Report any errors directly to the company where you received the report. Do not try to be obsessive, but use the free report that you receive every 12 months from each of the three hotlines (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). To request your free report, visit annualcreditreport.com.

2. Eliminate the debt.
The debts you have, the more you feel drowned. It can be tempting to try, ignore or excuse, but it just makes things worse. If you're stressed out, use an invoice tracking tool provided by government agencies such as CFPB or a program like Mint.com to meet the payment due dates. , Also, try contacting your lender to change the payment details or to learn about advanced payment options.

3. Be aware of the costs.
Blind online scanning has reached epidemic proportions in terms of cost. Take the time to review the purchases made in recent months (you can do so by checking your account and your loan statements). If you think you need to reduce your spending, check these "needs" and consider using cash for purchases under $ 20 to better control your credit spend.

4. Enable this automatic backup
If you think you can save more on your budget, you should include a portion of the monthly checks (either a paycheck or a social security check) to save money. Starting or building an emergency fund will support unplanned home or health costs.

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Useful spring cleaning tips

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Renowned cleaners, the American Cleaning Institute, have all the necessary information about spring cleaning . Did you ever notice that the ...

LastSwab is a reusable replacement for Q-Tips

Today, we've been told that straws are harmful to the environment, but it does seem to take a billion years for the Q-tips you use to break and also damage marine life. LastSwabs are medical silicone swabs that should be reused to prevent contamination.


It seems like a good idea, but I think it would be weird for most of us to use silicone now because we're used to throwing cotton at our ears. But it's probably a good idea to get used to it so we do not kill the planet because we need to clean our ears. For $ 20 you get two reusable swabs and cases. They are available in ten different colors and are available in a knotty version for cleaning and a smooth version for make-up.


That's fun: Every day more than 1,500 million cotton buds are made and many of them land in the sea. In any case, according to LastSwab. I have never met But his video shows a fake hippocampus wrapped in cotton swabs. So you know it's the truth. I personally think that it was just a fair one.

[by this reason it was broken by geekology ]

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Technology students in Hyderabad are developing a floor cleaning machine

Hyderabad: Tired of the daily routine of sweeping and cleaning? You need an impregnator that can perform multiple tasks, not just a vacuum cleaner. And that too, without energy costs, burning holes in your wallet.

Two finalist mechatronics students at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology (MGIT) have designed and developed a smart and versatile cleaner that not only cleans the lawn but also mows it. The best thing about the design is that the machine works with solar energy and comes with a 360 degree camera.

The three-in-one machine can be remotely controlled and adapted to different conditions. He cleans the floor, picks up the dust and garbage in a dustbin attached to it. Later it can be wiped and you can choose between a dry or a wet mop.

The MGIT students, Mr. Charanal and U Anil Kumar, explained that it was their observation of the difficulties faced by many who swept, cleaned or cut the grass, and asked them to design a plan with various characteristics and to facilitate the tasks.

"We've decided and developed this smart and versatile machine as part of the project for the last year, first clean the floor, if there are any stains, it's possible to moisten the mop, dry cleaning, and no need for a user Collect dust and garbage on the ground because the machine itself does the work, "say Charanlal and Arun.

For lawns, not only mow the lawn but also the otherwise rough grass tips. This is done by a roller connected to the lawn mower. The intelligent and versatile cleaner comes with a solar panel and can be used with solar energy. It is also designed for an external power source, says Charanlal.

The young MGIT innovators, led by HoD Mechatronics, Sudhakar Reddy, and the faculties Sreenivasulu Reddy and P Chandrasekhar, designed the machine so that the cleaning and cleaning parts could be reinstalled. "It helps the user to use the sweeper and sweeper manually when there is no solar or external power available, and the mobile can also be charged with the machine," says Arun.

The three-in-one device is equipped with a 360-degree Wi-Fi camera that enables remote navigation and monitoring of operations.

"We spend around Rs. 1,000 to configure this machine." The costs can be reduced from 15,000 to 20,000 rupees if they are produced in large quantities. The machine can be adapted according to the needs of the user, "adds Charanlal.

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What you need to check before lighting the grill

CONCORD, NC - If you bring your barbecue or grill with you for cooking, the Concord Fire Department has a checklist to make sure your grill is safe before you start.

  • Check the grill for leaves or debris

  • Good barbecue cleaning

  • Check gas lines and accessories for leaks or oxidation

  • If you are using a gas grill, press the ignition. If this does not work, use a lighter as it may cause a gas explosion. If the lighter does not work, contact a repair service.

Camden Ramsey, Concord Deputy Fire Chief, explains that if you use a charcoal grill, avoid cooling with water after cooking.

"Just leave them there, leave them there for a few days and let them cool down before you fix them," Ramsey said.

In case of fire, a fire extinguisher should be nearby.

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3 tips to refresh your home and your mind this spring

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Seasonal changes arouse the desire for renewal every spring. It is a time of growth, transition and revival. The latest trend in the home ...


Spring-Clean your career to achieve your work goals

Did you start with the spring cleaning? As the warmer weather threatens, it's time to sort, erase, and eliminate things that are no longer enjoyable. Regardless of whether the KonMari method does not prefer or not, many of us use this season to create our checklists and work in our closets, garages and other storage areas to make room for our summer clothes. ,

Many professionals are committed to creating a clean desk and clean inbox on their spring cleaning checklist from their desks, which is great. But have you ever thought about cleaning your career to achieve your personal goals at work?

To cleanse your career in the spring, you need to review your work goals and make sure you're on the right track to reach them. Our usual tasks and projects can distract us from our personal values ​​and career plans. It's important to spend time with these items regularly to make sure you can use your strengths effectively while you work.

It can be difficult to know where to begin to get confused. Here is a checklist to clean the quill.

[ See: 10 technical jobs that earn more money. ]

Spring cleaning tips for your career goals are:

- Check your work values.

- Choose three new career goals.

- Update your brand statement.

- Update your professional network profiles.

Re-evaluate your work values.

The values ​​of your work determine who you are as a professional and what is important to you in a working environment. It is important to check them regularly to keep you satisfied . Their values ​​include reliability, honesty and personal motivation. Consider the following exercises to re-evaluate your professional values:

- Identify an avant-garde experience in your life and write down what is special about it and why it made you happy.

- Write down what irritates you at work, and then determine the opposite.

Have your values ​​changed dramatically? Is there a change I can make to honor her more fully at work? Try implementing one or two ideas this week. This will help you feel renewed and renewed at your workplace.

Choose three new career goals.

The defined goals are essential for continuous professional growth. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve this year? Write everything that goes through your head. You can also use your career development plan to review your long-term career goals.

Now choose your first three achievable goals for this year. If you choose a long-term goal, you divide it into smaller tasks that you can do. For example, you might want to become an effective leader. Try to divide this goal into three parts, for example: work on your communication skills, practice delegating, and be more flexible and adaptable.

Knowing where you would like to work professionally this year and creating a plan to get there will allow you to "purify the air" and give you new motivation for your career.

[READ: how a job with no future best use can. ]

Update your brand declaration.

When was the last time you took the time to clean and update your brand ? This statement is for you as a professional, including those you serve, your unique value, and the results you provide. It is an essential element for all professionals.

However, a study conducted by the Glenn Llopis Group found that while 70% of respondents have a professional brand, less than 15% have a truly defined brand and less than 5% consistently demonstrate their brand.

As your company's values ​​or roles evolve, your brand must also be updated to accurately reflect those changes. Check your current brand statement and ask yourself if it reflects you correctly. Ask a trusted colleague or mentor for advice. After checking, make sure you specify them in places like your email signature and LinkedIn profile.

[ See: How to excel on Instagram for a successful career. ]

Update your professional network profiles.

Most professionals use LinkedIn as their primary professional network. However, it is important that you take the time to review all the profiles on your network to make sure they are showing you correctly. Make sure you have a professional photo and that your profile contains your latest measurable achievements. You can also set the following goals for your networks:

- Make one or two new meaningful connections.

- Ask your colleague or your boss one or two recommendations .

- Join a group that you believe you can actively participate in.

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Oral health advice for you to smile with confidence.

way of living

By |

Keeping your teeth healthy can make all the difference in self-confidence, looks, and the ability to talk and chew. There is a reason why your mother has always told you to look after your teeth. A visit to the dentist is not what you want (sorry for dentists). These are some dental hygiene tips that will help you to get a radiant and confident smile.

Picture from Pixabay's Pettycon .

Clean your toothbrush

If you use the same toothbrush for more than three months, dispose of this piglet. At this point you just need to transfer bacteria to your mouth. If you have an electric toothbrush, you must replace the heads every three months to make sure they do not contain bacteria.

Brush your tongue

One of the major causes of bad breath is plaque on the tongue, but it is not a daily exfoliant that can not help. If you want to get it right, use a tongue scraper to make sure there are no annoying bacteria on the tongue after brushing.

Chewing gum without sugar

Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum can be a very effective way to keep the mouth clean. Chewing gum increases salivary flow by keeping the teeth clean and without bacteria.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water immediately after a meal can help flush out leftovers, which can lead to problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Rinsing with water keeps the teeth clean and prevents the growth of bacteria.

Silk silk

We've all heard about the importance of flossing, but many people do not follow a disciplined dental floss routine. Simple flossing can make them brighter by removing plaque and excess food, and it can be extremely effective in preventing tooth decay.

Avoid whitening toothpastes

You've probably seen this lightening toothpaste shine in its shiny packaging. These keep your teeth clean, but they are often too expensive and abrasive ingredients can damage the delicate enamel.

Eat the cleaning of food in a natural way.

Many fruits and vegetables with high moisture content can be an excellent way to wash your mouth while keeping a good snack. Chewing fruits and vegetables can be a kind of natural toothbrush. Try to eat these foods at the end of your meal to cleanse your teeth.

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How to clean almost everything with baking soda.

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Albuquerque Metro Crime Stopper: Clean the streets, corner by street

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ALBUQUERQUE, NM (KRQE) - Crime stopper at Albuquerque subway station is a central non-profit organization in New Mexico that makes the community safer ...

Cleanway offers tips and tricks for cleaning.

(April 25, 2019) - Cleanway is open to consumers who need advice to find good cleaning products on the market. Since its inception, Cleanway strives only to give the most accurate and authoritative information on all the readers of cleaning products , which may be for your purchases is important. Buckets, Sponges, Mops, and Sprays: Curious customers can visit the Cleanway website to receive unbiased information and opinions on everything they need to keep their homes clean.

Cleanway adjusts its services to consumers. Your website has been designed to make navigation easier. There are special categories for each room and / or general cleaning purposes. In addition, the company's website includes a blog with informative articles . These articles include advice on how to get a clean home and little-known information for consumers that shoppers should consider when buying. The blog also includes links to the company's YouTube channel, social networking sites, and a contact page that customers can use when they have other questions.

About cleanway

Originally, Cleanway did not start as a reviewer but as a member of the cleaning industry. The staff of the hotel have professional cleaning staff who knows all the tricks to make the houses impeccable. For years, they have been bringing their experience to efficiently clean their customers' homes regardless of circumstances. Impeccable speed and brightness have always been key elements of the game. Cleanway is now trying to extend its knowledge to the average owner, who is looking for better resources for the housework.

Cleanway staff organized their blog to meet this need. On this website, shoppers can find information on the best cleaning products available to meet a variety of requirements. The Cleanway Review staff models your exams based on several important factors. The most important ones are efficiency, longevity and affordability. Customers visiting this blog can choose the best cleaning product they need, whether they are buying something in a specific price range or just looking for the "best of the best". For more information about Cleanway and its reviews, visit the website www . reviews.cleanwayservices.com .


Further information on Cleanway can be found here:


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Pregnant woman Hinch was taken to hospital with a mysterious illness

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The housekeeper superstar, who is pregnant, said that her baby was fine, but that she would and that the medical staff would be "all day".

Spring cleaning in 6 steps: With the brushing plan - see

Finally spring is in sight. The long-awaited sunlight is a disadvantage, but you make the powder shine. It's time to cleanse the spring! So it's not that hard for you, we have some tips to help make your home a nod to Shine.

1. the meals

Start the day with a hearty breakfast and do not lose any calories: Today you work without doing anything. Half an hour of floor cleaning already burns 130 calories.

2. Clothes

Take your old clothes out of the closet. The pieces should not be cut too much so you can stay in the plaster, the door or similar zeal. Since most accidents happen at home, non-slip shoes are very important.

3rd music

Insert your favorite CD. If you sing with a brush around your neck, it is not so bad.

4. Work plan

They provide all equipment and cleaning products to avoid unnecessary journeys. Always from top to bottom and from back to front, otherwise dirt is returned to the clean areas. Brushed from right to left.

5. reward

You set a goal: at what time are you ready and offer a relaxing night, maybe with a visit to the cinema.

6. Professional help

If all this is too exhausting, take a bath in the house. A 3.5-room apartment with cleaning of bathroom, kitchen, floor and windows costs about 650 francs.

Finally, the sun is shining in the house again. Unfortunately, only unsightly places under Windows are suddenly visible. The brush and brings a part of the fall.

In the spring it is time again, the apartment is thoroughly cleaned. You must pay attention to these things when cleaning the spring.

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Beautiful tips and products by Mrs. Crunch beautify her home after the Easter chaos

Cleaning habits in the UK have been polished, cleaned and dedusted and are now radiantly new.

Thanks to influential online people who were online under the influence of Ms. Hinch, feeling on Instagram has never been so popular.

Beautiful tips and products by Mrs. Crunch beautify her home after the Easter chaos

Getty - Contributor

Beautiful tips and products by Mrs. Crunch beautify her home after the Easter chaos

Enhance your cleaning routine with these brilliant tips from Frontline cleaning revolution experts. But the whole kit is not cheap.

Today I have big purchases for you, if you want to clean up after the chaos of the Easter holidays.

Nicola Lewis

Nicola (@_thisgirlcanorganise), author of Mind Over Clutter, has these tips to keep things in order.
Nicola (@_thisgirlcanorganise), author of Mind Over Clutter, has these tips to keep things in order.

"I do not like to throw away plastic, so I use the grape boxes again as a container for the bottom of my fridge.
"Removable boxes are great for storing small items in your kitchen wastebasket, and large juice bottles are great for storing and infusing baby flakes.

"With a little creativity, you can make so many useful containers that you can place in the drawers of your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.
"It will clarify and prevent objects from being thrown into landfills or floating in our oceans."

Emily Norris

Channel Mum.com's Emily (@mrsemilynorris) fixes your confusion with these fast-paced solutions

Kika Mitchell

Channel Mum.com's Emily (@mrsemilynorris) fixes your confusion with these fast-paced solutions

"If you find that a room needs more than ten minutes to clean, it's time to cleanse and minimize it.
Take time to cover every room and keep only what you like or use.
"Check your wardrobe every season and donate to unused or unloved items while wearing make-up and beauty products.
"Have room for everything, think about problem areas and be creative, can you install a sliding wardrobe for shoes and bags under the stairs?" Hooks on the back of the doors for towels and baskets for toys?
"They are cheap, but they can make your home more spacious."

Lynsey Mayhew

Lynsey Mayhew, (@lynsey_queenofclean), author of How To Clean Up Your Home and Return to These Natural Solutions
Lynsey Mayhew, (@lynsey_queenofclean), author of How To Clean Up Your Home and Return to These Natural Solutions

"Clean stainless steel and dryer sheets with baby oil to remove dust from blinds and TV screens.
"The glue is ideal for removing stubborn toilet marks, while white wine vinegar is ideal for removing mold in the bathroom, just let it stand for ten minutes and then rinse it off.
"For another natural clean, use half a lemon and baking soda to remove lime and water stains from the shower cubicles."

Sophie 'Mrs Hinch' Hinchliffe

Ms. Hinch gives these tips in her book Hinch Yourself Happy, because she uses her favorite product Zoflora.

Rex Features

Ms. Hinch gives these tips in her book Hinch Yourself Happy, because she uses her favorite product Zoflora.

To ensure that the basket is germ-free and pleasantly smelling, soak a diluted Zoflora cloth and clean it, including the lid and surrounding areas inside and out.

Keep the trash can longer by diluting your favorite Zoflora disinfectant with water in a sprayer and then spray directly onto the trash in the trash can.

You can even dip a roll of paper towel into Zoflora and place it in the bottom of your tray before adding the bag. Dilute Zoflora in rinse water and soak kitchen towels.

Do it at the end of each day and the next morning, your kitchen will be fresh and your kitchen towels will be hygienic.


  • CLEANING : Extra-large Flash 60 antibacterial wipes cost £ 2.30 in Ocado. Or you get three packs for £ 3. You save £ 3.90.
  • TUG OF RUG : You save $ 1.50 for the Vanish Gold Foam Carpet in Ocado, now £ 4.50.
  • CLEANING AWARENESS : Ecover cleaning fluid for chamomile and Clementine, 950 ml, from £ 2.45 to £ 2 at Morrisons: 45 percent savings.
  • SQUIRT & WIPE: Save £ 1.97 on Dettol Energy and Fresh Multi Purpose Spray Cleaner. It was £ 3.97, now £ 2 in Morrisons.
  • Natural remedy: The new line Alkimi Sainsbury uses natural ingredients. The glossy Alkimi surface cleaner with bergamot oil and citronella extract costs 3 €.
  • GREAT ALL ROUND : Save £ 1 at Regina Blitz, two kitchen rolls, £ 3.50 at £ 2.50 at Morrisons. The offer ends on Sunday.
  • CLEANING: Multipurpose Cleaner Lidl W5, 79 pg.
  • BLING BOWL: The Harpic White and Shine toilet cleaner gives you £ 2 for £ 2 or Waitrose £ 1.28.
  • READY FOR EVERYTHING : Surf, 5.2kg, 80 washes, now cost £ 12 at £ 7 at Morrisons - a saving of £ 5. Offer ends on Sunday.
  • TOP MOP: Save £ 1.60 for the Vileda SuperMocio 3-Action Mop, costing £ 8, now £ 6.40 for Waitrose.
  • BIG SHANK: A favorite of Mrs. Hinch, the non-stick cleaning sponge from M & S, whom cleaning guru calls The Markeh, is worth £ 1.
Hinch reveals that he still finds time to clean when he has a baby

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