
Spring Cleaning Tips: These 41 products help you to organize your home

The Home Edit Container Store, Pantry and Kitchen Organization.

It's the first spring cleaning season and Marie Kondo is not the only one helping us with #sparkjoy. The Duo Home Edit , composed by Clea Shearrer and Joanna Teplin, is a fun and less reputable version of the famous organizer (we still love you, Marie, do not worry). And your millions of Instagram subscribers must agree: If you like colorful rainbow costumes and jokes about airlines without champagne. First class (less pompous than it seems, trust us), you'll enjoy the organizational skills and humor of The Home Edit. His new book " The Home Edit: A Guide for the organization and achieving your goals living " is already a bestseller of the New York Times and leads you through the organizational philosophy. Actually, it's pretty simple:

Step 1: Scroll down to your things.

Step 2: Organize your belongings in an impressive way by grouping them by color and / or category. Put the items in attractive containers. Label these containers with beautiful writing.

Step 3: Reward yourself with a glass of champagne and / or a candy of your choice. Hold

We can even handle three stages (especially if the third stage is champagne and sweets). And if we can, we know that you can too. Whether you live in a large house with a true pantry (#colas) or in a city apartment with many cabinets (raise your hand), this dynamic duo provides a storage solution for all. Keep reading to see a list of products that will make your home organized by sharing photos from your own Instagram cache .

Pantry Organization Options:

Options for the refrigerator organization:

In the kitchen

For your pantry :

We start with the main room in the house (where the sandwiches are stored). It turns out that you only need a few simple products to completely transform your guard - rooms - check the pantry Gwyneth Paltrow on inspiration.

Once you have categorized your items, place the packaged items ( cereal bars , fruit sandwiches, French fries, etc.) in open containers.

Place unpackaged items (pasta / muesli, flour, dried fruit) in glass or plastic glasses.

Place canned products in transparent and sturdy storage containers.

If you know something about The Home Edit, you know that they like a good, laid-back Susan (also called a turntable). Easily store spices or oils and maximize uncomfortable spaces with this great product.

When everything is ordered, label it so you can easily see what it is.

Most of the above products can also be reused in other rooms of the house. For example, a Susan turntable / turntable is an excellent solution for storing cleansers or toiletries under the sink. The storage baskets and associated labels can be used in any room, from the cupboard shelf to the games room to the wardrobe. For more specific product choices, see our other Home Edit approved favorite products.

For your fridge :

The fridge is perhaps the most beautiful place to organize, as there are many ways to play with colors and organize them in the order of ROYGBIV (think colorful fruits and vegetables , fruit juices, etc.). With a few simple products, you can help keep your fridge clean and tidy so everyone can find what they're looking for (and take the opportunity to search for it).

If you put water and juice in beautiful glasses instead of keeping them in the packaging, the stylized look is preserved.

Store pre-cut fruits in glass containers to ensure comfort and appearance (hello colors of the rainbow - sky ).

Use open storage compartments to store multiple items to hold similar items and avoid spills.

In the rest of the house (or the apartment).

Organization options for the wardrobe:

Options for bathroom organization:

For your wardrobe :

Not all of us have large dressing rooms where we can make a bike (although we often dream of it), but there are ways to maximize your available space.

We love shoes (which they do not like), but it seems we never have enough space to stow them without stacking them in a corner of the cabinet floor. Instead, place your shoes in clear plastic containers with snap fasteners. This keeps your shoes dust-free and provides a quick visual inventory because you can see the contents of the container without having to open it.

Another great way to store your shoes is to create extra storage space where the organizer is available right at the door. It is also good for sunglasses, small bags and scarves.

Have more respect for your clothes than hanging on these cheap clothes hangers for cleaning. Refresh yourself with beautiful velvet hangers: They hold everything (without slippage) and help you keep your clothes in shape.

If you have shelves in your closet, instead of folding loose garments into stacks (organized only for two minutes), store them in beautiful compartments (see below).

The magazine shelves are great for storing clutches and bracelets. In addition to the accessories, you can also keep notebooks / stationery, board games and puzzles.

For your bathroom :

The bathroom is a difficult place to organize due to the small items in the room (bottles of facial serums and nail polish, hairpins, eyeshadows, etc.). Fortunately, The Home Edit offers good advice to get this free space.

Store all these small items carefully in a transparent drawer organizer. As an added benefit, it prevents products from getting into the drawer in the event of spillage.

Store larger bottle products such as shampoo and hair spray in an open and transparent storage box.

Keep extra bath towels, paper towels or toilet paper in wicker baskets or wire baskets.

Now that you have tips (and products) to organize your home like a pro, share a photo of your beautiful refrigerator or pantry on Instagram and do not forget to write down @ Chowhound to have the opportunity in our account to appear

All presented products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our commercial links, we can get a commission. Other carefully selected component products can be found in the Chowhound Shop .

The header image is provided by the container memory .

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