
The spring cleaning begins

The most important question for me today is the following: "If the April rain brings the May flowers, what brings the May flower?

Personally, I personally believe that the April rains provide a long-awaited opportunity to complete spring cleaning projects. The University of Tennessee Extension and Michigan State University offer tips on home-made, eco-friendly cleaning products and spring cleaning in the kitchen.

A recipe for a multipurpose cleaner: Mix two tablespoons of borax, a quarter cup of vinegar and two cups of hot water in a spray bottle or bucket. Apply and clean. Recipes for floor cleaners, refrigerator cleaners, toilet cleaners, etc. can be found on coshocton.osu.edu on the "Healthy People" page.

The best way to clean the kitchen is the worktop. Clear everything Wash the worktop thoroughly and allow it to air dry before returning anything. Should everything go back? Are there any houses for one of those things you've just removed in cabinets or drawers? If you rarely use the item, you will find another location to have more workspace at your counters.

Other projects that should be addressed:

  • Start organizing your pantry and food cabinets. Do you have boxes for donations or garbage. Throw away everything that is too old and give away everything you no longer need. Clean the dust and clean the trays before placing anything in the cabinet or shelf. When it is dry, store your food with the oldest ones on the front. Use the oldest macaroni box before buying it this week.
  • Clean your pan and frying pan. Take everything out and make sure everything is clean. Clean the shelves or drawer and be sure to clean the sides as well. I saw good ideas on Pinterest to organize these annoying covers with crockery, CD baskets or hooks.
  • Organize your kitchen cupboard. Discard anything that is too old. Check in particular the dates in the spices, as these are easy to forget. Clean the shelves and make sure they are dry before changing the supplies or trays. Rearrange the ingredients with the oldest start.
  • Clean your storage cabinets and drawers. Empty a drawer or a drawer and throw everything that is broken. Clean well The new paper tray can make a difference. Place similar items in drawers in flat containers or add separators to separate them. Give everything you do not really need. Although it was a good deal at the time of purchase.
  • Clean the doors of your cabinets and their facades. It is easy to focus the inside of cupboards and drawers. Do not forget to clean the front doors and drawers. Really use the slots and hinges as grease and dirt can accumulate. If necessary, remove the handles to immerse them if they are particularly dirty.
  • Clean and disinfect spills, counters and waste / recycling containers. Remember that you can not disinfect a dirty surface. However, once your surfaces are washed and cleaned, an effective disinfectant solution is one tablespoon of ordinary chlorine and no perfume in one gallon of water. Use as sprayer or end use and allow to air dry.

Some years ago, I discovered something by Heloise: throw half a lemon into the container to not only clean and sharpen the blades, but also to leave the kitchen with a scent of citrus and spring.

Today I leave you with this quote from Joleigh Little: "When cleaning up with kids at home, it's really about brushing your teeth while eating oreos."

Emily Marrison is a family and consumer educator at the OSU extension of Coshocton County.

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