
Spring-Clean your career to achieve your work goals

Did you start with the spring cleaning? As the warmer weather threatens, it's time to sort, erase, and eliminate things that are no longer enjoyable. Regardless of whether the KonMari method does not prefer or not, many of us use this season to create our checklists and work in our closets, garages and other storage areas to make room for our summer clothes. ,

Many professionals are committed to creating a clean desk and clean inbox on their spring cleaning checklist from their desks, which is great. But have you ever thought about cleaning your career to achieve your personal goals at work?

To cleanse your career in the spring, you need to review your work goals and make sure you're on the right track to reach them. Our usual tasks and projects can distract us from our personal values ​​and career plans. It's important to spend time with these items regularly to make sure you can use your strengths effectively while you work.

It can be difficult to know where to begin to get confused. Here is a checklist to clean the quill.

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Spring cleaning tips for your career goals are:

- Check your work values.

- Choose three new career goals.

- Update your brand statement.

- Update your professional network profiles.

Re-evaluate your work values.

The values ​​of your work determine who you are as a professional and what is important to you in a working environment. It is important to check them regularly to keep you satisfied . Their values ​​include reliability, honesty and personal motivation. Consider the following exercises to re-evaluate your professional values:

- Identify an avant-garde experience in your life and write down what is special about it and why it made you happy.

- Write down what irritates you at work, and then determine the opposite.

Have your values ​​changed dramatically? Is there a change I can make to honor her more fully at work? Try implementing one or two ideas this week. This will help you feel renewed and renewed at your workplace.

Choose three new career goals.

The defined goals are essential for continuous professional growth. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve this year? Write everything that goes through your head. You can also use your career development plan to review your long-term career goals.

Now choose your first three achievable goals for this year. If you choose a long-term goal, you divide it into smaller tasks that you can do. For example, you might want to become an effective leader. Try to divide this goal into three parts, for example: work on your communication skills, practice delegating, and be more flexible and adaptable.

Knowing where you would like to work professionally this year and creating a plan to get there will allow you to "purify the air" and give you new motivation for your career.

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Update your brand declaration.

When was the last time you took the time to clean and update your brand ? This statement is for you as a professional, including those you serve, your unique value, and the results you provide. It is an essential element for all professionals.

However, a study conducted by the Glenn Llopis Group found that while 70% of respondents have a professional brand, less than 15% have a truly defined brand and less than 5% consistently demonstrate their brand.

As your company's values ​​or roles evolve, your brand must also be updated to accurately reflect those changes. Check your current brand statement and ask yourself if it reflects you correctly. Ask a trusted colleague or mentor for advice. After checking, make sure you specify them in places like your email signature and LinkedIn profile.

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Update your professional network profiles.

Most professionals use LinkedIn as their primary professional network. However, it is important that you take the time to review all the profiles on your network to make sure they are showing you correctly. Make sure you have a professional photo and that your profile contains your latest measurable achievements. You can also set the following goals for your networks:

- Make one or two new meaningful connections.

- Ask your colleague or your boss one or two recommendations .

- Join a group that you believe you can actively participate in.

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