
Check out Megan Thee Stallions Overnight Skincare Routine

Grammy-nominated rapper Megan Thee Stallion is an expert on keeping her face fresh and clean (if you didn't already know of her enviable makeup- free selfies ). Now she's sharing all of the tips and tricks her skin and red carpet have in store.

"Every night before I go to bed I have to wash off the twenty pounds of makeup I've done all day to make sexy girls, hang out on the set and talk to hot guys," the wild rapper recalls BAZAAR.com . "I literally brush all that hot chick stuff on, then put on some moisturizer and some organic oil."

In this episode of Bedtime With Me, our March 2021 cover star reveals all of the beauty products they use every day. Most of your favorite skin care products can also be found at your local drug store. This shows that you don't have to break the bank to do sexy girl shit.

Shop up their full routine below and read on for a partial breakdown.

For starters, the Houston native removes make-up with Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Pads. "It doesn't matter what he puts on my face," says Megan, who is Revlon's face . "It'll take it off in three strokes."

Then go to the Cetaphil Daily Face Wash. "I also have kind of sensitive skin," he says. "Everything will make me explode." Sometimes a lot of things are very harsh on my skin so I realized that this is the only thing I can use. She also recommends the cleanser for those with sensitive skin who suffer from acne as it has helped to lighten their complexion.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

Check out the video above to see your entire routine in action.

Do not forget to YouTube to subscribe to channels of BAZAAR, so you never a series of " How to do", " On the rise" , " Play" , " With me go to bed" , " This look is money" , Miss " Little Black Book" , " Heel Hunters" or " Food Diaries" .


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