
How to clean wooden floors

Wooden floors can withstand bumps. But over time, splashes, drips and regular wear and tear can affect stains even longer- lasting , especially in high-traffic areas like the kitchen . Even if traditional flooring isn't your style, pre-made new wood still needs a little love. We spoke to Jeremy Lakeman, a hardwood expert at Bruce Hardwood Flooring , for the best advice on protecting your hardwood for life.


Discard the standard push broom for a broom with softer bristles. Brooms for wooden floors can clean softer woods like walnut and birch without scratching. Regular sweeping will help remove dirt and debris that can scratch your floor coating over time. Lakeman also recommends getting used to taking off your shoes, especially those with heels and those with steps that can catch gravel or stones.

Wooden broom with soft bristles

Belle House / Brad Holland


As with sweeping, vacuuming should be done with soft bristles or on the bare floor. Note that softwoods require more delicate cleaning, e.g. B. an attachment with soft bristles for gentler maintenance. If you have carpets on your hardwood floor, make sure they are breathable.

"Carpets are the floor's best friend." Lakeman says with one exception. "Avoid those with rubber or vinyl mountings if possible, as they can trap moisture."

Soft bristle vacuum cleaner for wooden floors

Belle House / Brad Holland



Bruce, hardwood & laminate floor cleaner


$ 5.48

Clean up spilled material immediately to avoid dislocation. Prefabricated floors prevent stains. However, if you have old oiled wood, you will need to remove the water rings by hand. After drying with a microfiber mop, wipe with a formulated floor cleaner. Never pour as this can damage the hardwood over time.

Even do-it-yourselfers have their drawbacks: "Don't just rely on water or a vinegar-and-water solution when cleaning wooden floors," advises Lakeman. "Cleaning with water leads to dull floors that don't move."

Microfiber mop

Belle House / Brad Holland

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