
Crown Affair Founder Dianna Cohen, Top Tips for Entrepreneurs

A little over a year ago, Dianna Cohen abandoned the "good morning hair" concept when she introduced Crown Affair , a hair care brand based on the idea of ​​a ritual mindfulness app.

"Hair care is a category that sells professional solutions with the message that your hair should be 'cared for' or 'tamed'," says Cohen, Founder and CEO, adding that she wanted to change that message. "The more I researched, the clearer it became to me how unregulated or 'clean' this category is and how outdated the language has become by a 'good hair'.

Cohen and his team develop products that they hope will help people find a clean and effective ritual that they can use to celebrate hair care as part of their daily routine and wellbeing.

While the brand only launched in January last year, a healthy hair routine is nothing new.

Cohen has always been a "favorite friend" in hair care.

"Growing up I found confidence in my hair care, which sparked a lifelong obsession with the daily rituals we all use to take care of ourselves and communicate with each other," she explains, noting that people ask her for recommendations asked what possibly made them write your own 12-step ritual to share in a google doc.

This doc hit the road and reached beyond his personal web. As a result, Cohen realized the need for education and advice regarding hair care, which led her to look beyond her own hair and examine various hair types and textures.

Hairdressing became a hobby but now it has become her business and like any business, she has learned a lot since it was launched last year.

"Although I could never have predicted that I would start business six weeks before a global pandemic, we take this time to practice what we preach and take time to build something meaningful," says Cohen, noting that there have been silver lines from the year, including building a so-called "special culture" with a remotely built team.

During Crown Affair's first year, Cohen also founded Seedling, a professional development program that connects new women with leaders from a variety of industries.

"When the COVID-19 crisis broke out, we wanted to find a meaningful way to contribute something other than donating a percentage of our sales," says Cohen. «To the extent that a female entrepreneur is financed by a PDG with a non-conventional Carrière-Cheminement, no action was taken at the time when he opted for the Nous-Pouvions that were offered to carry out the Carrière-Cheminement foundry, to promote professional development and research begin avant mêtre interrompu.

Seedling created almost 200 mentor / mentee pairs in its first two "seasons".

And while Cohen has helped others grow professionally through seedling, here are some lessons and tips from Cohen for anyone looking to start their own business.

Here's what Cohen has learned since its inception:

  • "With every idea for a product or a market launch: just start. ""

The starting point of every great idea, be it a company, a goal, or a project, doesn't have to be big or challenging. Cohen's business started in a Google Doc.

"It's not easy to be a beginner in a world that measures bottom line, but just start," says Cohen. "Before you know it, you'll look back and see how far you've come."

  • "Participating in a daily morning ritual / taking time for yourself will change your work day. ""

It is important to start the morning with personal attention. Cohen starts his days with "morning pages," stretching, and rolling foam for an hour before shutting down his computer. It's important to "show off," he says, emphasizing that if you're leading a team, they should have the space to do the same.

  • "Relationships are everything."

Regardless of the relationship, it's important. "Every person you connect with is part of an ecosystem that builds your brand," says Cohen. "Being nice and taking the time to communicate with people in an authentic way is everything."

  • "Vulnerability can be a superpower."
  • "Keep your blinkers up."

There will always be someone who wants to imitate what you did, Cohen says, but you have to remember that "you are the creator".

And Cohen's top tips for entrepreneurs:

  • "Trust your instincts at the end of the day."

"You built it yourself, you'll know what's right," says Cohen.

  • "Nostalgia can kill you."

What has worked in the past is great, but it won't necessarily get you going. Flexibility is important.

  • "Build up personal structures."

Keeping the rituals can support your work.

  • "Put your 'Avengers Team' together".

Whether you are a close and honest friend, a leadership trainer, your partner or a former colleague, create a support network that will support you and help you solve problems when challenges arise.

  • "Every dollar counts."

While fundraising is helpful, it's important to find the right investors who understand the importance of broadening your vision, Cohen says. "But with capital, you know where to go and see if you can."

Keeping in mind the importance of the dollar is also vital in marketing. "If you choose to go for paid marketing or original content, it is a good idea to invest in thoughtful and unique content," says Cohen. "Great work is stored and shared forever and provides context."

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