
10 areas of the home you should never steam clean - Bob Vila

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Portable steam cleaners are invaluable tools for sanitizing appliances, sealed floors, bathrooms and more. Their steam utility makes them an attractive alternative to using abrasive cleaning chemicals. However, steam cleaners have their limitations. Certain areas of the home should not come into contact with any of these tools, as the hot steam can damage certain materials. Read on to learn more about where not to use a steam cleaner and why.

1. Unsealed floors

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Although there are many uses for a steam cleaner , the first rule to follow is that you should not use your steam cleaner on an unsealed floor. Too much moisture can cause unsealed hardwood floors to warp. Unglazed tiles are very porous, making them unsuitable for steam cleaning. Unglazed tiles absorb water, and steam cleaning this type of flooring can leave water stains and lead to mold growth.

2. Water-based paints

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Using a steam cleaner on walls or furniture covered in water-based paint is another bad idea. The heat from the vaporizer can cause the paint to come off or dry out. In this case, the paint may crack or peel off , damaging the finished surface.

RELATED: The best steam cleaners for your dirtiest carpets and upholstery

3. Cold glass

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

The prospect of using a steam cleaner to clean windows can be tempting. In fact, steam cleaners are sometimes effective tools for the job. However, you should definitely avoid steam cleaning your windows when it's cold outside. A temperature difference between hot steam and cold glass (over 60 degrees Fahrenheit) can cause the glass to crack or even break.

4. Velvet upholstery

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Even if you have an upholstery steam cleaner or a model with multiple upholstery attachments, do not use it to clean velvet sofas or chairs. Velvet is a delicate material and hot steam can damage and discolour the upholstery.


5. Porous surfaces

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Porous surfaces such as bamboo , marble , stucco , and masonry should never be steam cleaned. These surfaces absorb too much moisture, which can lead to the formation of mold or mildew. Also, some porous materials, including cardboard, may warp when exposed to heat.

RELATED: Buying Guide : The Best Portable Steam Cleaners

6. Carpet

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Portable steam cleaners are not intended for deep cleaning of carpets. Unlike carpet cleaners , which suck the water out of the carpet after cleaning, steam cleaners don't have the same suction power. Deep cleaning your carpet with a steam cleaner leaves a lot of water behind. If drying takes too long, mold can grow on the carpet .

7. Everything to do with electronics

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

When steam cleaning, avoid electronic devices in your home. After all, steam is water vapor, and mixing water and electricity or sensitive electronics is never a good idea. In addition, electronic devices should not be exposed to high temperatures , which is another reason to avoid televisions, computers, game consoles, power strips and sockets when steam cleaning.

RELATED: How to Steam Clean an Oven: 3 Foolproof Ways to Get Rid of Baked Gunpowder

8. Plastics

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

Many plastic products , especially thin or flexible ones, can warp or even melt when steam cleaned. These materials are not designed to withstand high temperatures, so it is best to clean them with other methods such as soap and warm water.

9. In the pantry

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

While it may sound tempting to clean out the pantry with your portable steam cleaner, don't do so until you've emptied the contents. Not only can steam damage plastic wrap or storage containers in the pantry, but it can also ruin certain foods. Names of items generally stored in the garden, such as flour, sugar, grain, tea, coffee and grain, which can absorb the moisture of the steam , which can affect the quality, food and freshness.


10. Wallpaper

10 places you shouldn't use a steam cleaner

Photo: istockphoto.com

If you've ever tried to remove wallpaper , you may already know that using steam can be very effective. The heat will break down the glue, making the wallpaper easier to remove. So if you love your wallpaper and your goal is just to clean it, not remove it, don't use a steam cleaner for this task. Even if you use less heat or steam than is typically recommended for wallpaper removal, using a steam cleaner can still cause the wallpaper to peel off.


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