
10 Green Tips for Homeowners Cleaning Clogged Drains - Blues and Greens of Tomorrow

We've discussed many green home improvement tips in the past. However, we wanted to focus on a specific topic that comes up a lot: dealing with the environment with clogged drains.

10 eco-friendly tips for dealing with clogged drains

About 15% of people have clogged drains every year. Green homeowners need to find ways to manage their green homes without harming the planet.

Clogged drains are annoying, but they are quite common. They also have multiple causes, so you need to identify the error before finding the perfect fix. To help you find out, here are ten eco-friendly tips to help you unclog clogged drains once and for all.

  1. Try baking soda and vinegar first. While chemical deblockers are available if needed, baking soda and vinegar can be an easier and more effective solution. Also, vinegar and baking soda are natural cleaning agents that don't impact the environment as negatively. We've talked about the hidden environmental risks of traditional cleaning chemicals in the past, which will help you appreciate the benefits of using natural cleaning products.
  2. Get a small drain snake. It can help you remove hair and other obstructions without having to call a plumber. A plumber has to come to your home, leaving a larger carbon footprint. You can buy a Drain Snake while running other errands, meaning you don't leave as much of a carbon footprint. Of course, it's also cheaper and better for the planet!
  3. Get a drain protector to keep hair, food, and other items from falling down the drain. These preventative measures will save you from the need for harsh cleaning chemicals that harm the planet.
  4. Don't throw away anything but toilet paper (and the obvious, of course). Clogs can come from feminine hygiene products, dental floss, balls of toilet paper, or lumps that are too big, etc. These products can burst pipes and ruin your home, as can unhealthy cleaning products in the environment.
  5. Flush pipes with hot water. This can cause stagnant water in the sink or toilet for a while, but it might be just what you need to clean up groceries or get a small clog to move forward. Hot water is one of the most environmentally friendly cleaning products out there! It's also one of the cheapest.
  6. Once you've removed the clog, use a baking soda mixture to clean out the pipes and ensure there are no future clogs. This is another very environmentally friendly approach to preventing clogged drains in the first place.
  7. Try Alka Seltzer. Pour two or three tablets down the drain, turn on the hot water, then wait about 15 minutes and flush the drain. This should clear the blockage. If not, wait another 15 to 20 minutes and then pour more hot water down the drain.
  8. Do not submerge sink or bathtub drains. Pistons are made for toilets. They can cause serious plumbing problems and clogs if you try to use them on sinks or other fixtures.
  9. If you don't have a snake, try using a wire coat hanger that you bend at the end to pull out the drain plug. This saves you from having to use environmentally harmful chemicals.
  10. Call a clogged drain specialist if the clog is too big and you can't clear it yourself. You don't want to do any real damage.

Many environmental hazards are associated with poorly maintained pipelines. If your pipes are clogged, you should find an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to fix them. By following these tips, you'll find it much easier to deal with clogged drains anywhere in your home without using harsh cleaning products that are toxic to the environment.

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