
I'm a cleaning expert and I have a £1 miracle product that helps remove yellow stains from... - The Sun

Crisp, clean sheets will improve your night's sleep and leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed when you head to bed.

But many of us notice ugly yellow stains on our pillows when we change sheets.

Use these pro tips to remove yellow sweat stains from your pillows


Use these pro tips to remove yellow sweat stains from your pillowsCredit : Getty

No matter how thorough you are with your clothes, these stains are difficult to avoid and very difficult to remove once you have them.

The furnishing expert at Secret Linen Store explained that these marks come from sweating while sleeping and are very common.

Speaking to Express.co.uk , he said: "As sweating is natural when you sleep, especially in hot weather (and even in winter with thick duvets), by washing your pillow frequently and properly, as well as your bed linen, keep your pillow hygienic help prevent these yellow spots from appearing.

But the pro was very clear that you shouldn't use bleach to get rid of pillow stains because it can actually cause more stains as the bleach reacts with the chemicals in sweat.

Instead, the expert's best advice was to invest in oxygen bleach.

She said: "Oxygen bleach dissolved in water should be used as it can be softer than normal dissolving, especially on natural fabrics and materials.

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"It works by gently lifting the stain out of the fabric. Soak your pillow in the solution overnight, then wash and dry according to recommended washing instructions.

To start the process, Molly suggested soaking the pillow in a natural stain remover for 15 minutes, then rinsing it off and repeating the process.

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She explained that it's best to machine wash pillows one at a time, as it takes up a lot of room to move in the drum.

As a product specialist at Mattressman, Chloe Baxter recommended using a dishwasher tab in her washing machine to get rid of troublesome stains.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, he said all you have to do is place the tablet in the machine's drum along with the pillow.

She also explained that if you can machine fit it, it works just as well with your duvet.

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