
Beauty tips for the monsoon

Who does not like rain? After the scorching sun and all the dust, it's a relief to feel the drops falling on your way from the sky. I enjoy a cup of steaming coffee in the rain, which cools and cleans everything. There is such a feeling of freshness. But I can not say that much about the skin. For many, monsoon causes a number of skin problems: open pores, dull skin and infections along the body folds. Put simply, it is about summer skin and increased humidity. A bit of moisture is good, but not many.

Monsoon look and feel

The skin is hot and humid because the pores have been open since the summer and can get worse. Acne and skin infections along the wrinkles can also occur. In wet weather, sweating can be even more annoying.

The hair is more prone to damage than the suture. Therefore, it is advisable not to perform too many treatments in the salon. Even a simple drying can lead to damage.

Special monsoon care

  • Refreshing facial cleanser: four times with cold water
  • Toner: optional
  • Peeling: once a week
  • Day Cream: Use only sunscreen
  • Apply active ingredients in the form of serums and gels to the skin
  • After the summer: anti-tanning and soothing skin creams.
  • Night care: skin lightening agents, AHA and BHA (acids are available without prescription at 6-20%)
  • It moistens the cream only less; magic fog
  • Hair and scalp: Sunscreen for hair
  • Body: a few showers a day

Choose Powder : For this season, you should look for the powdery form of most products, such as: B. compact products, air fresheners, etc.

Dry as soon as possible : When it gets wet in the rain, wash your face and feet as quickly as possible. Keep it dry. A good idea is to wear damp cloths and then re-apply the skin care or make-up.

Staying with Sunscreen : If you often think about cooling off your sunscreen diet and believe the clouds protect you, you are very wrong. The cloudy sky does not protect you from the sun. You can search for a slightly structured version of sunscreen. These are also gel variants that protect it without releasing your skin. Try the new sunscreen powder with nanoparticle technology

Have a happy hair : Hair care should not be neglected this season, as the severe damage caused by summer and summer, the hair is dry, curly and damaged. If you wet your hair during the rainy season, it will be further weakened. So say no to any hair treatments that use heat and chemicals. Also avoid ironing wet or damp hair.

For healthy hair: beauty tips for the monsoon

  • Do a massage with coconut oil.
  • Dry and wet hair at low temperature.
  • Do not brush wet hair
  • Use loose hair jewelry
  • Avoid salon treatments: Chemical treatment will damage the wicks when the cuticle is open.

Monsoon Must Dos - beauty tips for the monsoon

  • Getting wet in the rain is fun, but dress as fast as you can. Wet clothing increases the risk of skin infections, especially in the wrinkles.
  • Dry your hair to remove the maximum amount of moisture. If necessary, gently dry your hair.
  • Store moist wipes, moisturizer, facial cleanser and sunscreen in your bag to keep your skin in good working order.

Supplements for the monsoon - beauty tips for the monsoon

  • Increase the immune system of your multivitamins.
  • Supplement your diet with anti-inflammatory ingredients such as ginger and turmeric. These ingredients are an important part of our Indian diet.

Monsoon delights

  • Wear a papaya face mask. The papain inside removes the layers of dead skin and tan.
  • Turn half a lemon and use it like a sweet prey in meat and body.
  • Use a mixture of lemon juice and rice flour paste for the face and body to remove dark and dead skin.
  • Apply the lemon powder, quark and sandalwood as a mask and gently rub to unravel.

Skin Care: Beauty Tips for the Monsoon

  • Most treatments are in good condition this season. Focus on troubleshooting treatments such as peels and microdermabrasion.
  • Start the laser treatment to lighten, firm or skin the skin.

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