
Economics professor explains the proposed rules for the change of staff

The tips suggested by the Department of Labor could affect the payment of the server. (Photo: Monique Robinson / WWAY)

WILMINGTON, NC (WW) - The US Department of Labor has proposed a ruling that could reverse the 80/20 rule of the Obama era regarding employee tips.

If approved, the new rule would create a common tip group for receptionists and receptionists.

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"Wages [at home] consist of tips, but if the workers worked in an unusual situation, employers had to pay tips," said Christian Beer, an economic trainer at Cape Fear. Community College said. "There was a lot of controversy and litigation because many employees said they were not paid fairly ."

He says the proposed rule would allow the group to be distributed to all employees except the employer and the manager to compensate for the tasks for which the servers would not have tipped.

"You could work a little earlier ... let's clean up your area and that's considered an intelligent part of your job [under the new rules]," said Beer.

Michael Cunningham, a waiter at "The Basics" in downtown Wilmington, is not a fan of this idea.

As an internal server, earning $ 2.13 per hour and budget ranges from $ 11 to $ 15 and even more for some. We'll have that part with the same salary figure, Says Cunningham.

According to Beer, however, the rule will allow employers to adjust wages.

"With the new rule, wages can now decline, and the employer can compensate for this with the tip rule, " said Beer.

According to Beer, restaurants are the easiest way to understand this proposed rule, but it would apply to all service sectors.

When WWAY asked Thomas Crossland, a hairdresser at the City Kutz Hair Salon in downtown Wilmington, for his opinion on this decision, he was on a par with Cunningham.

"I have the impression that I would not have to share my tips when I do the service," Crossland said.

According to Beer, there will be winners and losers regardless of politics, but as has already been said, salary differences between men and women are not taken into account.

The proposal is open for comments and reviews for 60 days.

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