
5 best tips for not getting sick at work

We are at the peak of the cold and flu season and the germs are spreading like wildfires. While many of us like to believe that we are safe from viruses and bacteria, one of our biggest seeds is our own office.

No matter how much you avoid colleagues who show signs of illness, you can still be susceptible to those illnesses. Despite many efforts to prevent your colleagues from coughing and smelling, staying healthy can be difficult.

GCC Facility Management recently conducted a study that found that office workers cleaned the phone the least, but contained more bacteria than a toilet seat. The following guide shows simple and inexpensive ways to avoid illness this winter by proper office cleaning and good health practices. GCC FM offers a wide range of office cleaning solutions . More information is available at www.gccfm.com/commercial-cleaning-services/ .

Clean your personal work area

Your own office can be your personal hideaway, but it can also contain germs. Studies show that 28% of desk phones are never cleaned. As these are touched daily and come into close contact with the mouth, this should not be overlooked during the cleaning process.

37% of employees never clean their computer mouse and 31% neglect their keyboard. These can accommodate more than 25,000 germs per square inch, including heterotrophic bacteria, E. coli, Helicobacter pylori and more.

Dr. Arun Thiyagarajan, Medical Director of Bupa UK Health Clinics, says:

"Surfaces and devices can contain dirt, viruses and bacteria that can remain active for months. Without regular office cleaning and good personal hygiene such as antibacterial hand washing, there is a higher risk that these surface germs will transmit them and cause diseases such as flu, food poisoning and diarrhea. "

So make sure your desk is filled with detergents that you can easily use at work every day.

Fill with anti-bac

We all know how important it is to wash your hands, especially when a virus is in circulation. Very few of us can do this as often as necessary.

Keep the antibacterial gel on your desk as you use it as often as necessary. When you return to your desk after walking around your desk, the door knobs and shared items are a playground for cold and flu germs.

If a member of your office is not feeling well or has met someone like your spouse or child, use an antibacterial gel if you have come into contact with something with which he has come into contact. '' Be it a pen, documents or by phone.

This prevents germs from getting into your hands and you get sick.

Find another work area

If you work close to others, there is always the inevitable possibility that you will intercept something from them.

If your company allows, request to work from home in times of high sickness. Even if those who are not well are not in the office, germs can live on hard surfaces for days. Likewise, a person could carry the virus without showing symptoms.

Although you may not be in the office for a day or two, you don't have to stay home if you get sick and don't have the energy to work. ,

If you can't work at home, check to see if you can move your workstation somewhere far away from anyone or near a flow of fresh air to avoid bacteria.

Avoid common kitchen utensils.

We understand the need for a good cup of tea or coffee at work, but using conventional cups can have ramifications. Even if they were washed thoroughly, a germ-infested hand could have touched them and come into direct contact with the mouth.

Bring your own cups home and don't accept a colleague's offer to make one, regardless of the temptation.

Office kitchen sponges can also contain germs. When washing, try to avoid them.

Take care of yourself

All of the above steps may be unnecessary if your immune system is weakened due to a lack of personal care.

Improve your intact antioxidant by avoiding sugary drinks and replacing them with green tea and water. Green tea strengthens your immune system and keeps you hydrated.

Make sure you get plenty of vitamin D this time of year. Many of us don't get enough sun. A lack of vitamin D can lead to a reduced defense against colds and flu.

An extremely important part of maintaining health is something that many of us do not do enough and that ensures that we get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep is another problem that can weaken the immune system and determine how quickly your body recovers from an illness.

Hopefully, if you follow these tips, you will avoid catching anything this season. If you're not lucky enough to get sick, think of your peers and stay home to avoid spreading. Even if you think that after detecting these insects you no longer need hygiene, you should keep the objects clean and germ-free so that your colleagues are not to blame!

Author's biography:

Stephen Hooley

Stephen Hooley is Marketing Director of GCC Facilities Management. GCC Facilities Management offers all facility management services so you don't have to look around to meet your needs. No customer is too big or too small. The private company, founded in 1975, has set itself the goal of receiving the most important accreditations recognized in our industry.

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