
5 clever tips to make sure your mask maximizes protection, says the nurse

Regardless of whether or not you agree to the order to wear a mask , many of us do so as part of their daily activities.

I am a professor of nursing at Purdue University, where a colleague and I taught a course that describes the history of health care over the centuries. Among other things, the students discover that the original reason for a fabric mask from the late 19th century is the same as it is today: to protect others from the germs of those who wear them. Understanding these previous practices, the students say, makes them better carers.

With this in mind, there are five ways to get the most out of wearing a mask in public.

1. Not all masks are the same

Cloth masks are considered suitable for general public use. The Mayo Clinic recommends a two-layer mask. This means that it is reversibly approved that your neighbor has sewn for you. Not recommended: a mask with a valve . Although the user breathes filtered air, the unfiltered air is expelled when exhaling. This cancels the protection of others.

2. Wash, wash, wash hands

Wash your hands before putting on the mask. This is a basic principle of infection control. If you come into contact with your face, do so with clean hands. This includes rubbing your eyes, cleaning your lips or scratching your nose. Wash your hands again after removing the mask.

Do not play with the mask when it is in place. Now is not the time to take a sip of your latte or snack on your dried meat. Eat and drink in an environment where you can support others socially at least two meters away. If you need to adjust your mask while it is on, wash your hands afterwards. Wear a hand sanitizer for added convenience.

3. Does this mask make me look smart?

The mask should fit snugly, cover the nose and mouth, and be attached under the chin. It is not necessary to just cover your mouth. People breathe in and out through their noses and mouths. The purpose of the mask is to block the transmission of germs through the air. This can happen if you exhale (spread germs) or inhale (absorb germs) through your nose or mouth.

The World Health Organization gives advice on how to use your mask safely.

4. When you are done

When it's time to take it off, wash your hands and grab the clips or earrings to slide the mask away from your face. Fold the mask on yourself so that the outer corners are together. Do not put the mask on your forehead like a headband or a scarf around your neck. Place the mask in a container for washing. And then wash your hands.

5. Clean it

Wash the mask with another cloth using your usual detergent . When using a washing machine, use the hottest water that is safe for the type of fabric the mask is made of.

This also applies to drying: use the highest possible temperature for the fabric. Then let it dry completely before using it again.

If you clean the mask by hand, use a disinfectant bleach. Follow the product instructions to obtain the correct dilution, then insert the mask for five minutes. Rinse with cold water and dry completely or hang in direct sunlight. Be careful not to stretch the fabric. This could damage the mask.

As a former surgical nurse, I know that masks are uncomfortable. If it's not Halloween, it's not fun to wear them. But we're not trying to have fun. We try to protect our families and our communities. So Google is looking for the perfect mask to show your personality and wear it properly with pride!

This article was originally published in The Conversation by Joy Pieper at Purdue University. Read the original article here.

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