
SERVPRO offers cleaning tips to protect against "wind chemistry".

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - As the flu season is fast approaching, Topeka cleaners offer cleaning tips to protect against "twinkle-acid".

SERVPRO says the complications of the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of the flu season are sure to challenge residents even more than before. Daniel Thorman, professional cleaning specialist at SERVPRO West Topeka, urges residents to clean and disinfect more carefully this year to help control the threat of COVID-19 and seasonal flu.

According to SERVPRO, scientists from the Centers for Disease Control believe that COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are mainly transmitted through droplets that form when infected people cough, sneeze, or talk. He said that while it is not that common, it is also believed that adults and children can contract COVID-19 and the flu by touching a surface or object that contains virus particles and then their nose, mouth or mouth touch their eyes. .

According to SERVPRO, the CDC continues to recommend annual flu vaccinations as the first and most important step in protecting against the flu virus. However, experts also emphasize the importance of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are frequently touched on a daily basis. to minimize the possible spread of contaminated surfaces. He said it includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keypads, toilets, faucets and sinks.

According to detergents, Thorman recommends washing hands frequently with soap and water or using a hand sanitizer that contains more than 60% alcohol to limit exposure and control the spread of dual threats. Keep hands off your face and wear masks to protect others. He said that for effective daily cleaning at home or at work, Thorman suggests removing surface dirt first with soap and water, then with a disinfectant.

"It's easier to get comfortable by limiting your exposure at home, where you can control the cleanliness of your surroundings," Thorman said. "It's more difficult in public. However, especially this year, it is important to pay attention to the room you are in. You need to learn to recognize the areas where cleanliness is a priority or not so that you can adjust your behavior accordingly. ""

SERVPRO said this could be helpful for home and business owners with special cleaning needs or for those who just want the safety of a professional cleaning service.

"While we continue to be leaders in disaster relief and sanitation, we offer the same level of deep cleaning for daily cleaning of residential and commercial premises. In addition, SERVPRO offers the "Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned" 2 program, which was developed for companies in response to the pandemic. The high level of confidence that a professionally cleaned room gives customers peace of mind when the flu season coincides with COVID-19, "said Thorman.

SERVPRO says it specializes in disaster recovery, cleanup and repair, helps repair damage and does it "like never before" for commercial customers. and living.

For more information, please contact SERVPRO of Daniel Thorman of West Topeka at 785-862-0550 or servpro10026@gmail.com .

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