
3 Ways to Stay One Step Ahead of Fall Allergies - WDIO.com - Contigo For Life

It's easy to think of allergies as a springtime problem, but allergies can also occur in the fall. As the weather changes, we can expect an increase in fall allergies causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing and nasal congestion. dr Dylan Wyatt, an emergency room physician at St. Luke's, has three tips for preventing fall allergies.

Tip #1: Avoid

Commonly, ragweed pollen and fungal spores are the culprits during shedding. Spring allergies are mostly caused by pollen from trees and grasses. It helps to know what you are allergic to so you can avoid them. Brandon Weatherz has an allergy report that will let you know if you have specific allergies. Then you know how to stay indoors and close the windows. If you have been outside, be sure to wash your hands and avoid touching your face when outside.

Tip 2: Regular cleaning

Pollen and spores can also land on surfaces, so remember to wash your sheets in hot water. Regular cleaning and vacuuming will help with other surfaces in your home.

Tip #3: Prepare yourself with over-the-counter medications

dr Dylan recommends nasal steroids as the first line of defense. This would provide local relief. These come in spray form, which can be found at any pharmacy; think of brands like and Flonase. They reduce inflammation in the nose and block allergic reactions and act fairly quickly. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as with any other recommended medication, you should consult your gynecologist before use.

When nasal steroids don't do this, Dr. Dylan recommends adding an antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin, especially one that doesn't make you drowsy. These work more system-wide.

The last line of defense is a decongestant that comes in spray and tablet forms, like Afrin and Sudafed. Its effect is very strong, which can cause a rebound. or symptoms after you stop using them.

Although these are available over the counter, it is recommended that you discuss any medications with your doctor.

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